Justin's two-year-old appt

Feb 20, 2007 20:27

Justin went to the doctor for his two-year-old appt today.  He's 32lbs (75th percentile) and 35in long (80th percentile)  The nurse practionier (sorry if the spelling is off) asked a whole bunch of questions and seemed to like the answers so as far as two-year-olds go he's right on track.  End results:  Looks great, height and weight are awesome, developing good, no shots and we don't have to go back for another year, unless of course he gets sick again, which we hope does not happen.

A funny story about the shots.  I went back to work the Thursday before last so of course both the kids have had to adjust.  Jill was nice enough to pick them up for me and bring them down to work so I wouldn't have to take more time off and drive up to Mary's before going to the doctor.  Jill says that Mary put Justin down for a nap, but I don't think it was a very long one.  He got upset half way to the car leaving work and cried most of the time at the doctors.  (He hates being undressed so of course that didn't help much)  I was so nervous, cuz I had both of them and no one to help, thankfully Kara behaved and was happy just sitting on the floor and watching.  All I kept thinking was if they were going to give him shots how was I going to deal with it??  He was already this upset I couldn't imagine having to hold him down so that he could get shots he didn't.  I was thankful when she said we didn't need them, and then I laughed.  Justin has always done good with shots, cried when they were first adminstered, got cuddle time with me and then he was fine.  He cried more, the first time they haven't given him shots, than he ever has when he's been given shots.  Weird how things happen sometimes, isn't it.

Well, gotta get the kids to bed now.  I will post again soon.  Have a nice night everyone.
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