My Little Chatterbox

Feb 07, 2007 21:42

People have told me many times, "you're tired of the crying? Well, just wait until they start talking" and I have responded, "at least then he will be able to communicate what he needs.  Surely, talking is better than not talking".  But ah, the grass is always greener in front of someone else's child.  Strolling through the grocery store yesterday, he must've said, "more cookies?" about a hundred times in a row (and yes, he even got the 's' in there -- simply amazes me).  He'd had one cookie at the babysitter's house and I promised that if he was a good boy at the haircut place that afternoon, we'd go to the store and get him another cookie.  Lo and behold, the boy was an angel in the barber chair... a first for him.  So, the first aisle we went down was the cookie aisle.  "There you go, son... eat it slowly."  But I had a bit more shopping to do.  He likes trying to open various jars of stuff and look at the front of the cereal boxes... but it doesn't last long.  I can't offer to let him hold a banana because he will beg to eat one... not understanding that we have to get them weighed and pay for them first.  So, once we finally got to the car (20 minutes shopping with an almost 2 year old seems like forever -- you can't get done soon enough!), I started a banana for him.  Part of the way home, I noticed in the rear-view mirror that he's having trouble getting to the banana as he's reached the point where it needs to be peeled again.  "Would you like Mommy to fix it?" I said, and he handed it to me.  Problem solved.  A few stop lights later, I heard his tiny voice ask, "fik nana?" and I was stunned.  He not only understood the bulk of my sentence eariler, he had isolated the verb "fix" and knew it's something I was doing to his banana to help.  I could swear there was a glow coming from the back seat.  He is one smart child.  (Ok, I'm a little biased... hehehehe).  There is one word I already have to undo, though: "boobies".  We think it's funny... Nicholas jams his hand down my shirt and giggles... but I would be quite embarrassed if it happened in public or when someone else was holding him!!
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