I encourage you to become a librocubicularist. Whether you read physical or digital books, I recommend winding down your day in bed with a good book. It will allow your mind to forget the troubles of today as well as the challenges you'll face tomorrow
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The tarrasque is a gigantic lizard-like creature which exists only to eat, kill, and destroy. In most campaign settings, only one tarrasque is said to exist on each world. The tarrasque has a low intelligence and cannot speak. It is neutrally
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Origin: Shortened from "no-mobile-phone phobia." The term was coined in 2008 during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned research looking at anxieties suffered by cellphone users. Anxiety levels experienced by people who suffer from nomophobia when they are triggered by
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cusper:noun: A person who was born during the cusp years between any two of the named generational divisions of the 20th and 21st centuries
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noun: Another modern buzz word, but one I'm hearing frequently enough in my line of work. Sharenting is the not-so-healthy practice of a parent regularly using social media to share way too much information about their children.