SVT #35: Amy's Pen Pal

Nov 24, 2008 13:00

Amy has a pen-pal! Well, for the purpose of this book she does, anyway. Don't worry though, Amy has not yet turned fake 16 so therefore Lizzie still gets to be her BFF!

I thought, seeing as these books all try to contain some (stupid) lesson to teach the kiddies, that this one might be about, I don't know, the dangers of meeting up with strangers, or not letting people who you don't know move into your house in case they turn into insane doppelgangers and try to steal your face AND your life, but no, as usual, the ghostwriter comes up trumps with a really lame story and an ever lamer ending. I mean, I know they've tried to incorporate morals before, usually badly, but, really. What perfect scope for an SVT horror story and they didn't even take the opportunity. Oh well. I don't know why I'm getting so focused on this. It's probably because the girl on the cover, who is supposed to be the pen pal, looks like this really bitchy girl who was in my secondary school. Anyway, moving on.

Yeah, apparently this book is 'Now Even Longer' too. Thanks, Francine. Just what I wanted, an even longer book about Amy, of all people. 12 year old Amy Sutton is just boringly boring. The Unicorns know it so why insist on writing a whole book around her. Almost as bad as bloody Enid and the plane crash. Yawn.

It's a long weekend from school, and the twins and their friends have an exciting time planned. Over at Casa Wakefield Alice is throwing a huge BBQ for all the family and associated minions friends, Lila is hosting yet another party at Fowler Estate, and, best of all apparently, some hot shot radio DJ who's at high school with Steven is having a live show in the mall. Jessica, who I can't imagine getting excited about such things, thinks Dave the DJ is like, totally hot because his voice is 'dreamy', and therefore is determined to meet him. The radio station are holding a competition to name his new show, and Jess is determined to win. She sends in ten entries, all with a lot of alliteration, like 'Teen Talk'. Brilliant. Even Liz enters, with 'The Awesome Hour'. I thought she was a writer. Words fail me. The winner will get to host a big party at some new club for pre-teens as well as have a live interview with Davey boy.

So, anyway, the twins etc all have this exciting weekend planned. Except Amy, who's annoyed because her mom is making her tidy her room. Apparently Amy's room is even worse than the federal disaster zone that is The Hershey Bar. I'm sure in another book, Amy is all neat and tidy and even more anal than Liz. Anyone remember? So, Amy asks Liz to help her tidy her room, saying it's cos Liz is her best ever ever ever friendy in the whole wide world otherwise she wouldn't ask. Liz agrees but says Amy owes her a huge favour. I waited through the entire book to find out what Liz wanted in return but we never find out. Unless I missed it. I think I did have a nap somewhere in the middle of this one.

They go to Amy's via the park so Amy can flirt with Ken, who invites her to Lila's party. He sure had a personality transplant inbetween ages 12-16, because doesn't he get rid of Amy in 'That Not-So-Fatal Night'? Meh! Then they go and spend the whole afternoon cleaning Amy's room. Life with Amy as a best friend sure seems fun. Not. This gives the ghostwriter a convenient opportunity to introduce Sam, Amy's pen pal from San Francisco, as they find one of her old letters. Amy hasn't heard back from her in over a month and she's worried. Her friend circle shrunk from two to one. Liz has to go home and Amy dejectedly ponders the idea of dinner for one, as the Suttons are too busy working to spend a long weekend with their daughter. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and who else could it be except.....Sam. Yep, that's right. Coincidentally enough, the same afternoon we learn about her, she turns up. I don't know about you guys, but if someone I'd only ever written to before turned up on my doorstep I'd at least be curious as to why. Could it be she needs somewhere to go where it's not likely she'll be looked for. Like....a pen pals house. No, of course not. Amy just goes on and invites her in, which is an excellent lesson to teach the impressionable young readers of these books, don't you think! Apparently, Sam did write to inform Amy she was going to visit, but she must not have got it. Amy doesn't think her parents' will mind, and in actuality they probably won't considering they aren't at home much anyway. Sniff, sob, sigh!

The girls make pizza and get on really well; they both don't like snobby people like the Unicorns (*cough cough* Remember that) and both love horror movies. Amy takes Sam on a tour of Sweet Valley (uh-oh, now she's seen it she'll never leave, unless she gets fat or a pimple or something) and tells her all abnout the exciting plans for the weekend.Apparently Sam has a horse called Little Bit. What a stupid name for an animal. I thought Sweetie Pie was a ridiculous name for a kitten back when Elizabeth adopted one, but Little Bit? The poor horse has probably got an inferiority complex after being named that! Actually, after rereading that, Sweetie Pie is worse, but marginally. Little Bit has yet to win any prizes at horse shows....remember that too!

The Suttons arrive home and all is well, as is usual in the world of Sweet Valley parenting. Sam says that her parents are fine with her visiting and that's the end of it. Amy is a bit confused because Sam says her parents are on a camping trip, but she didn't mention it to her beforehand. Amy is stooopid!

Next morning, Amy takes Sam over the Casa Wakefield to meet Elizabeth, something I bet she's absolutely ecstatic about. Liz introduces her to Jessica, not that Jessica cares because, after all, Sam is one of boring Amy's friends. Amy has already told Sam what she thinks about Jessica, so she expects Sam not to like her either. They talk about the party and Liz offers to lend Sam some clothes for it. Jodphurs and a plaid shirt, anyone? They go upstairs to try on clothes, and Jess and Steven have this conversation about how Steven is going to be working on the radio control board for the show at the mall. After all, what SVT book would be complete without at least one mention of Steven. Jess goes to the mall with him and Alice in the hopes she can wangle a meeting, but the only guy she sees Steven talking to is a nerd with horn rimmed glasses and a faded T-shirt called Buddy, who can't be Dave the DJ because he's not hot enough. How she'd know, having only ever listened to his voice, I don't know, but we all know and love Jess for how dim she can be.

Oooh, time for some outfit descriptions, seen as Liz lending out her fashion advice is something I know you guys don't want to miss. Sam is wearing one of Elizabeth's infamous blouses, a green checked one this time, with black pants and Amy's green square earrings. OK, that's not too bad. Amy is wearing a flowered blouse, new jeans and a white sweater. Hmmm. I bet they're like, red jeans or something. Amy's all nervous because Ken's going and she wants to look her best. Just take yer top off, love! Or get some paper cups and a bottle of wine. I'm sure that would fit in with how things go in Sweet Valley!

At Fowler Crest, Sam is all like, "wowsies" at the extravegance of the party. When she meets Lila, she gets the haughty treatment until she compliments the mansion. When the rest of the Unicorns start talking about boys, Amy tries to pull Sam away but Sam wants to stay and chat. Amy is pissed! Sam's her friend! Someone catch that green eyed monster! Meanwhile, Sam is getting on like a house on fire with the Unicorns. Probably because she tells them that the son of a famous TV star, Glinda Paris, is her boyfriend. Jessica's annoyed because Sam is monopolozing the conversation but, as even Janet is hanging onto her every word, she can't say anything.Eventually, Sam dances with Ken, which upsets Amy even more because she told Sam she had a crush on him. Amy's like some sort of control freak. Liz tells Amy to say something to Sam, but just as she goes up to her Lila invites Sam to eat dessert with her, and Sam completely ignores Amy and walks off. She's probably annoyed that Amy's been glaring at her all evening. There's a nice burn from Lila to Amy, which goes like this:
'When Sam walked away, Lila turned to Amy. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she remarked, "I'm really surprised you and Sam are such good friends." Amy tried to keep her tone even. "Why is that?" Lila shrugged. "She's wonderful. It doesn't seem like you have much in common." Haha. Methinks Lila has a crush. It's moments like that that make me realise why people like her so much. Amy pitches a fit and decides to go home, therefore Sam will have to as well, or so she thinks. She calls Mummy Sutton to come get her and goes to tell Sam they're leaving, over to overhear Sam saying that she's won loads of prizes at horse shows. Hmm. That's not what she said earlier! Funnily enough, Amy doesn't pick up on it, but I the reader did. Lila tells Sam that she will arrange a driver to take her home, so Amy leaves without her. She's all depressed and doesn't even say goodbye to Elizabeth. I don't get why she's so upset. She's only ever met the girl once and she's got Liz as her BFF! Though maybe not for much longer if she's that rude she can't even say goodbye at parties. But no, as her mum drives her home she thinks it's been the worst night of her little life! Amy, shut up!

We have a short scene with Jess waking up the next morning and mentally bitching about how annoying it is everyone loves Sam now. And how Dave the DJ is definitely going to choose either Teen Talk or Teen Scene as the name for his show, both of them being Jessica's suggestions.Alice is baking apple pies for the upcoming BBQ and the family all want one for breakfast. [As an aside, I don't know if this is meant an an innuendo but I read it as one: 'Mr Wakefield stared dreamily into space. "It's been years since I had one of your pies for breakfast." Oh dear, oh dear!] Steven boasts about being involved with the radio show, and Jess slopes off to ring Lila. It seems that overnight Lila's thing for Sam has grown tenfold, as she spends the whole call gushing about how great Sam is. Jessica is less than enthusiastic, especially when Lila says she is going to suggest Sam for honorary membership into the Unicorns. This is weird behaviour even for Lila. They make plans to meet at the Dairi Burger, including Sam. Jess goes downstairs only to find Buddy, the nerdy boy she saw at the mall, is waiting for Steven to finish getting ready. Because she's annoyed about Sam, she's stand-offish with him, although she does tell him she's going to win the radio naming competition. Can anyone see where this is going?

Sam sleeps in really late, further annoying Amy. When Sam then gets the call from Lila inviting her to lunch, Amy's really pissed off. Her mom made a rule that Sam can't go anywhere without her, for some inane reason like being a good host, so Amy's gotta go too. Why doesn't she call Liz and tell her about the situation. I'm sure Liz would come along; she's good at being where she's not wanted. Amy has a go at Sam, saying she's supposed to be her friend, not the Unicorn's friend, and Sam's like, "back off bitch". Admittedly, Sam has been a bit rude up but I don't get Amy's heartbreak over the whole situation. It's not like she's staying permanently. Although it's just occured to me that this could be why Amy's so good at dumping Liz in the SVH books; learned from a master!

At the Dairi Burger, Sam has a whale of a time (but not with Todd) talking about herself. She tells them that her family has a holiday home in Hawaii, but then doesn't know which island it's on. She says she won a spelling bee, except apparently at the party she said she was a bad speller. Apparently she's a star DJ on her school radio show. Jessica is listening to all of this and wonders if Sam is telling lies, as it seems that she always has to have something better than everyone else. Well done, Jess. Although isn't that a star Unicorn trait? The Unicorns invite Sam to be an honorary member and say they will have an official ceremoney after the BBQ. Jessica + Amy = Not happy bunnies!

The next day, Liz does all the work setting up the BBQ while Jess skives off. She's been looking for a magazine article she read where Glinda Paris' son was only 9, but she can't find it. With that, she could prove Sam's a liar, as she wouldn't go out with someone so young (or would she?). Ah, those good ol' pre-internet days without the IMDb. She explains to Liz she thinks Sam is a liar, and she wants to catch her out. Because Amy's been so upset, Liz agrees to help. Alas, alack, no joy. Sam and Amy turn up and Sam immediately goes off with the Unicorns. Liz tells Amy of Jessica's plan, and Amy vehemently agrees that Sam should be taught a lesson. That's a very pretty shade of green you're wearing, Amy.

As usual, Sam is telling everyone how great she is. Apparently her dad's just bought a Rolls Royce, and is taking her and her sister in it when she goes home. Except she told everyone she was an only child yesterday. Errr....! When she goes to the bathroom, Jess tells everyone how she thinks Sam is a liar, and can and will prove it. Lila is the only one who still thinks Sam is telling the truth, so Jess finds the magazine article about Glinda Paris' son. She's also quite rude to Buddy again, who's also at the party. When she shows everyone the article, they decide to test Sam by telling her a story about Melody Power being in hospital near San Francisco after being injured filming there, and if Sam agrees and embellishes it they will know she's a liar. Sam falls right into the trap and says how she met Melody in person and took her flowers. Not long afterwards, Amy comes up and drags Sam home as they need to be back by five. Lila is PISSED! She feels made a fool of. And so she should! The Unicorns plot revenge tactics....they decide to tell her that Dave the DJ is a friend of Melody and wants a live interview with Sam at the show that evening. When Sam goes up, he'll tell her to get lost in front of everyone and she'll be embarassed. And of course, Sam will be nervous because a) she's not a star DJ and b) she's been lying about everything. Ooh, nasty! Jess calls Sam and tells her about the supposed interview; if she backs out, she won't be made a Unicorn. Personally, even if joining them meant a lot to me, I wouldn't put myself through that, especially if I didn't live in Sweet Valley. But whatever. Logic is not the theme of this book.

Jess tells Liz of the wickedly wild plan to wreak revenge of Sam. Liz is disapproving but agrees to keep the secret because of how bad Amy has been feeling. Over at Suspicious Sutton's house, Amy and Sam get into an argument because Amy asks Sam when she's going home and tells her she's been a lousy guest. Sam tells Amy that it's her fault she's not as popular as she is - burn! Mrs Sutton comes in and basically tells Sam it's time for her to go home; Sam is not impressed.

Later on the day, Sam and Unicorns go to the mall and Liz comes over to walk with Amy. She tells Amy about their plan, and Amy thinks it's good she will get a taste of her own medicine. Except she hasn't actually been mean to anyone. Just lied a lot, lol! Mrs Sutton comes into Amy's room and rings Sam's parents to find out her travel plans. Imagine her surprise when it turns out that Sam has actually ran away from home and her parents are frantic and have called the police. Apparently Sam's little sister Emily has been ill and in hospital and Sam didn't get enough attention, so she ran away. Selfish bitch. Amy and Liz, of course, are sympathetic and decide they can't let the Unicorns get away with their plan. Just as a point, if the police have been called, and Amy's mother works at the local radio station, wouldn't it have been on the news? Sam's parents say they will come get her straight away, but until then she can't know she's been found out in case she runs away again.

Liz and Amy rush to the mall to try to stop the Unicorn's plan. It's getting (mildly) exciting now. It only took 104 pages. Unfortunately, Sam is already with the Unicorns and Amy can't let her know she knows about her running away. Phew. Liz suddenly has a brilliant idea and goes to speak to Steven....

The Unicorns are looking forward to their trick and keep making fake enquiries as to why Sam looks so pale. She tries to say she's too sick to do the interview, but they stop her backing out. We now get a look into Sam's point of view; how she didn't mean to tell so many lies but they just kept tumbling out. Like the proverbial errant lover, who's penis just keeps falling out of his trousers, right! She was jealous because she never saw her parents anymore and they were too busy with her ill sister to come to her horse shows and things.The Unicorns seemed so impressed and gave her attention so she kept lying. Again, I am mildly concerned about what impact this would have on our young reading audience. Tell lies, run away, no matter because if you've got an ill sibling to blame it's all OK.

Just breaking away from our tense storyline for a moment, Jessica has a bit of a shock when she finally gets to see who Dave is. Yeah, you guessed it, his nickname is Buddy and he's nerdy looking with glasses. Except....he hasn't got the glasses on anymore and he's wearing hip clothes. He looks, well, fit! Jess is mortified that she brushed him off. You'd think this would teach her about appearances being deceiving but, no joy. Still, points to everyone who saw that one coming!

The radio show starts and everyone's having a fun old time - except Sam. Suddenly, she hears her name being called over the speakers....Dave the DJ is calling for her to come and do an interview. She's gobsmacked, and so are the Unicorns. Yep, Liz's plan to save the world...well...Sam's world, anyway, has worked. Now she won't be embarrassed. As she walks to the booth where Dave is sitting, Liz and Amy materialise at her side and tell her not to worry, she won't have to make up anymore stories. Sam and Dave have a good interview and everyone loves her. Except the Unicorns, who are obviously mega annoyed that their plan backfired and, when she goes back to them, open fire on her about her lies and tell her they were going to get revenge. Sam runs off in tears only to be comforted by Amy and Liz, ever present tissue holders. Sam is confused; why is Amy suddenly being so nice, when her attention is diverted by the announcement of the winner of the naming competition....yes, that's right....the winner is.....Elizabeth Wakefield, with 'The Awesome Hour'. Imagine a lip curling in disgust. That's mine.

She has an interview with Dave the DJ and says her inspiration came from her passion for writing. No comment from this side of the bench. She tells everyone that she's going to host the party with Jessica, as she knows how disappointed Jess will be. Angry, more like. The old, ' You're so much better than me, everyone prefers you, I'm the black sheep of the family' routine. This is probably where it stemmed from.

Amy and Sam go home and on the way Mrs Sutton tells her that her parents are waiting for her. Sam is all bitter and says they don't love her, but then her parents tell her that Emily, the ill sister, is going to be OK and they completely understand why she's been so selfish and they're not angry. They really do deserve a place in Sweet Valley, home of dysfunctional families, (ahem, the Patmans, the Fowlers, the Martins). They decide to go back to San Fransisco that night, but first Sam apologises to Amy. Hang on. If anything, she should be apologising to the Unicorns. She did, after all, lie to them. Alright, she didn't tell Amy she was running away, but she lied more to them than to Amy. She just found she got on better with them, and thats a crime to have different friends, apparently. Maybe Amy needs some counselling from Liz on developing your own interests. So anyways, Sam and Amy make up, Sam goes home and all is happy again in the world of Sweet Valley. Until Jess is planning the party and Mary says, in a rare moment of foreshadowing (*cough*) that she may not even be around for it. Will she or won't she? Find out in SVT #36: Mary is Missing.

Well, everyone. What morals did you learn from this book? How to make friends and influence people? How to make sure strangers aren't strangers as long as you know vaguely who they are? Respond in comments, please.

Just as one more note, do the twins ever have a party at the new club Jupiter? I don't remember it if they do?

instant celebrity status, sweet valley twins, amy sutton, sociopathic jessica, saint elizabeth of sweet valley, miss lila fowler, recapper: zippyladoodles, unicorns

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