SVT# 65: Patty's Last Dance

Jun 22, 2008 18:23

Another SVT book about a child with a problem. I do seem to recap these a lot, don't I!

Patty's Last Dance!

Well well well, what do we have here! Is it yet another kid in Sweet Valley who has a serious problem? And possibly the only child in the SV-verse to have it! Yes, yes we do! But, ladies and gentlemen, it is slightly more serious than the dyslexia case we have seen recently: ( Danny is a Dick)  or even the self worth dilemma Dylan McKay faced in 'Second Best' ( Die, Dylan, Die). It could even be worse than potential slime taking over your town (also known as ' Siccing the Slime'). In this one, Patty Gilbert, a character that I, up until now, thought only existed in SVH as DeeDee Gordon's long suffering best friend (at least, I think that information's right - I can't remember the name of the book where DeeDee got all clingy to Bill Chase although I know it's been recapped). Patty also has relationship issues later on.

Anyway, Patty has Scoliosis, and as well as that - SHE'S BLACK! Yes, boy and girls, a enthically different character, with problems. Maybe they didn't want to shit on the blonde haired, blue eyed goddesses of the SV world. Oh, and she also has some issues with making friends. Maybe she's not so different to Dylan after all. Funnily enough, this episode in her life is never mentioned in SVH - even though this type of problem can take years to sort out. Yawn. Same old Sweet Valley!

Patty's a talented ballet dancer who has won loads of awards. She is diagnosed with Scoliosis. She has a brace, makes a friend and gets better. Everyone's happy with doublemint smiles. The End.

Well, that above is about how much research I think the ghostwriter put into this when they decided to introduce Scoliosis to the books.

Even though this book is (supposed to be) about Patty, we start with the twins. As usual. Twin description of page 2. They're watching a new programme (come back, Days of Turmoil. All is forgiven) called, 'You'll Never Believe This'. Try me. We also learn the twins drink orange juice out of posh glasses. *shrugs*. Don't ask me. The twins (and the usual motley crew of Amy, Julie, Mandy and Lila) love this new show and watch it in enraptured silence (mainly to perv on the presenter, Hollywood Jones, who is 35 and has the name 'Hollywood' which was good enough to make even 21 year old Zippyladoodles snort out her Lucozade in mirth). It's about kids who do (stupid) recordbreaking things, like jump rope for six hours and eat blueberry pancakes for a day (yeah, I know). Anyway, so, guess what, the show's coming to Sweet Valley. There'll be auditioning for kids to do something so (stupid) extraordinary they can be on the show. And of course the Unicorns have to be involved. They even graciously allow Liz and Co. to join in. it's decided by page 5 they will be doing a dance marathon. And it's (conventiently) mentioned that Patty Gilbert (hey Patty, you're allowed in your own book on page 6 - good going) is a great, fantastic, splendiferous dancer and will want to join in, as well as Kerry Glenn (remember this one book character's name. It's important).

Wahey. Page 7 and we finally meet Patty. Hey Patty. *waves*. Patty is at ballet practice and being really damn rude to the aforementioned Kerry Glenn, who is also a superstar dancer. Is Kerry ever mentioned again? Kerry's being all nice and chatty and asking if Patty's going to the school dance next month (another dance, wow) but Patty is ignorning her - 'she wasn't really interested in talking with Kerry. The way she saw it, Kerry was her number-one competition.' There's still no need to be rude, Patty. Apparently, Kerry competes with Patty for lead roles in recitals, which is her main excuse to be a pissy little bitch.Madame Baril (which I read as Bovril) is announcing who won the lead role oin Swan Lake today. Oooh! We hear briefly about how ballet is Patty's life, she wants to do it full time at 14. Can anybody say Jessi Ramsey here! (Apologies for those of who who haven't read BSC books).Annnnnd, the winner of the role of Odette is.....Patty. Yay. Patty's all happy, and Kerry's happy for her (bet if the shoe was on the other foot that wouldn't be happening). Patty goes home but her parent's aren't home and Jana (her sister) is going out. Patty's all sad because she has no friends (that's your own fault, biatch!)

Mr Clark (principal) gives permission for the gym to be used for the Dance Marathon. And Ned is being the official timekeeper for it (can Ned count past 10?) Jessica even asks Bruce (hey, Bruce

- sorry,
daniellafromage, I know it's your thing but I couldn't resist. It's a compliment :-))

Bruce agrees to dance - with Jess. Make sure you wear your tightest vest, love! Wouldn't want any accidents to happen, would we. But...then....oh noes.....Liz has been doing her homework and found out that the record years! Everyone is downhearted - even Ellen grasps they can't do it - 'they wouldn't let us skip school'. Heeee! BUT.There is an under 14s category. Which is 12 hours. Hey, Jess, did anyone tell you to be famous you have to work for it!!!!!!!!

Patty goes to dance after school and starts admiring the stage and walking on it (if she was older, you just know she'd be sneaking off with her vibrator to fully enjoy the moment.) Kerry gets the silent treatment, again (sigh, poor Kerry). Patty thinks, 'friends get in the way of ballet.' Yeeees, and so does a penis but you still see men doing it, don't you. As Patty is tying her shoes, Madame Bovril Bavil examines Patty's posture and so the seed of doubt is sown....Patty gets nervous and ends up messing up her practising because Madame B is continually watching her. She asks Jana if she looks different. Yes, because Jana's an expert on posture. (I seem to remember she actually becomes a lawyer). Jana says she looks taller and Patty gets her knickers all in a twist because she's grown. How tall can she seriously be at twelve! I'm the same height now that I was at like, 15, and I've stopped growing.

Jess and Mandy hold a committee meeting for the Dance Marathon but everyone makes excuses not to turn up; nobody wants to dance 12 hours straight. Jessica is annoyed, and thinks if she promises everyone they'll be in TV they'll agree. So she plots to go to Mr Hollywood Jones himself and make him agree to feature SVMS on the show.

Patty gets increasingly edgy at practice; she keeps her jumper on even though she's hot because she doesn't want Madame B staring at her. Madame tells her that her body lines are all out, but blames nerves for it (nerves? Nerves? Yes, thats's right, nerves will drastically alter a posture. Ghostwriter, I despair!) If someone professional though something was up with me, I'd probably want to know.

Jessica and Kerry (who somehow know each other from Madame Andre's dance class) walk down the hallway discussing the Dance Marathon and Kerry tells Jess how mean Madame B is to Patty. Kerry agrees to the Dance Marathon and leaves just as Jess conveniently bumps into Patty. Patty is rude and cold to Jess (bet she and Robin get on well in SVH) and snubs her suggestion to be in the Dance Marathon. Jessica is (for once) lost for words. Hmphh! Offending my Jess! Shame on you!

Jessica and Mandy try to compose a letter to Hollywood that will convince him to come to Sweet Valley - Jessica thinks telling him that SVMs is a "really great place," and "the kids are really cool."A picture came into her head of Randy Mason ballroom dancing in the gym. "Well, not all of them. Most of them, though" will work. Mandy tells her in no uncertain terms that, no, she isn't writing that she wants to sound interesting and smart, not flaky (but you're a Unicorn, Mandy. If you were that smart, you'd be with Liz right now). A bit of piss taking from Steven (what book would be complete without it). In fact, he's quite funny - "Dear Hollywood, we think your sideburns are so gorgeous. Do you think you could send us one of them?" Jessica then realises that having only eight girls on the list of people participating is not going to impress Mr Jones, so she tells Mandy to write down 100 people. Not-so-smart Mandy does so. On Saturday, however, she finds out that Big Mesa are holding a three-legged race to get on the show (I'm not sure which one is worse, 6th grade dancing or 6th grade three-legged racing) and determines even more to get on the show instead of them. She rings up one of the Big Mesa students to snoop for info and finds out 146 people are doing the race. Oh Noes!

Meanwhile, Kerry has been trying to make friends again, but Patty has been accosted finally by Madame Baril who marches her into her office and tells her something is wrong with her alignment and she has to see a doctor. Patty agrees but secretly thinks that nothing will keep her from dancing. Nothing I tell you! Nothing! She goes home and moans at Jana for not noticing that her posture's funny, and then doesn't tell her Mom about Madame B's concerns because her Mom seems excited about Swan Lake. At ballet practice on Monday, she lies to Madame B, saying she went to the doctor and he said nothing was wrong. Old Bovril is not convinced and tells her a horror story of a girl she once knew who hurt her ankle but wouldn't give up the lead role in a performance except, on opening night, she broke her ankle and could never dance professionally again. Patty is of course horrified and tells her parents that she wants to go to the doctor (except she says Madame B only wants her to be checked over as routine but never mind).

Dr Ringwald checks Patty over and far from giving Patty the clean bill of health she wants, she calls Patty's mother in and tells them Patty may have Scoliosis - the same as her grandmother had (apparently). When she tells Patty she may have to wear a brace or have surgery, Patty decides to pretend it hasn't happened and not tell anyone, least of all Madame B so she won't have to give up ballet. Does this sound like Deenie, anyone.

Patty wears a sweater all through ballet the next day, much to Bovril's disgust. Afterwards, Kerry comes in and says how mean Madame is, and how Patty will be a professional dancer someday, which of course makes Patty feel worse and she runs off crying. Poor Kerry. She probably thinks she smells or something!

Jessica gets a letter back from the production team behind the show agreeing to come and see SVMS - she's disappointed because it's not from Hollywood himself. Boohoo. Cry me a river. She decides to ring his office and gets through to a secretary, who tells her that Hollywood is very excited about the three legged race - Jessica instantly says she has 200 people doing the dance-a-thon, which for some reason overexcites the secretary (his name is Brian) and he says Hollywood himself will be coming to the audition. Oh Jessica. What have you got yourself into now! She tells the Unicorns she spoke to Hollywood himself (forget stretching the truth. Bending, mutilating and finally snapping it, more like). Everyone agrees to bully get people to sign up to get their list from 8 to 200. Eventually, they get a total of 124 people to sign up (Janet yells the ears off 27 of them so that's probably why).

Patty researches Scoliosis in the school library and nearly has heart failure when she sees the Milwaukee brace and reads some Scoliosis facts. The extent of the information we get is that it affects approximately every one in 50 preteens and it can be treated with the brace. Thanks, ghostwriter. Anyway, she vows to never wear a brace and slams the book shut! At practice, she's really upset and messes everything up, finally culminating in Madame B deciding to give the role of Odette to Kerry instead, and announcing it in front of the entire class (v professional). Kerry refuses the role, however, saying Patty should be given another chance and that she (Kerry) will stay late every night to help her. Madame agrees (she doesn't mind being undermined?) and Patty feels all weird that someone actually stuck up for her (yeah, and how many times have you been rude to her, Patty!). Patty feels guilty. Bless!

Next day, we find her at the specialist's officehaving Xrays - turns out she has a backwards S curve of the spine. Some hotshot brainiac doctor comes in (and says, "is that her spine?" pointing at the Xrays. Well, who elses would it be! I thought you were clever!) He assesses she has a 35 degree curve and she will have to have the Milwaukee brace. "NOOOO", cries Patty. Tough shit, kid! Apparently though, she can still dance. Yays! Patty doesn't see it that way, no siree! She sulks and sulks and sulks. Although, because she knows she probably won't be able to ever dance professionally now, she does try extra hard in rehearsals for Swan Lake. And she gets all pally with Kerry. Kerry must either have no other friends herself or be really nice because I'd tell Patty where to stick it (remember Kerry doesn't know about the Scoliosis). At least two pages are devoted to their blossoming friendship. Yawn. Moving on, Patty starts feeling sorry for herself (so what's new) and trips. She cries, and runs offstage, leaving Kerry blaming herself for making Patty try too hard. Eventually, Kerry finds Patty and Patty tells all. Kerry points out that the sooner she gets the brace on, the sooner she can get rid of it. Yes, a sensible Sweet Valley 12 year old (who isn't Liz).

They go to Caseys and end up sitting with the Unicorns (who are apparently Kerry's friends). Patty tells them about her Scoliosis (and there's a clever little plug for the Charm School book in there as well). Oh, and the Mandy Miller has Cancer book as well. Go, Ghostwriter! Jessica pesters Patty to dance in the dance marathon before she gets her brace. Love you Jess! Patty agrees. Grand total now of 147 people. Patty thinks how good it is to have friends. The Unicorns aren't friends, love. Really! However, we do get a heartfelt motto: '...she couldn't help thinking how ironic it was that it had taken the horrible news about her brace to show her how important friends can be.' This ghostwriter's got it good, really. Two book plugs and a lesson for the youngsters. Anyone know where I can find out which ghostwriters wrote which books? Love to see what else this guy/gal wrote.

Next morning, Dr Gilbert rings to tell them that she can get the mold for the brace done the next week, so Patty decides to tell Madame B about it, finally. You'd think she'd be grateful seen as without Madame noticing Patty would have had real problems in a few years (and no doubt be completely bullied and eventually kill herself in SVH). But no, she just tells her and leaves. Sigh!

Brian rings Jessica and tells her that Hollywood will interview her and tape the dance marathon. Jessica is completely over excited! She sounds a bit ditzy in the interview, but Hollywood promises to watch the marathon. We also meet Veronica Brooks, who nearly messes it up by pretending she doesn't know about the dance, but Jess saves the day. Hehe, Veronica insults Lila (who is her new neighbour) by saying, "There's this girl who sings Johnny Buck songs really loudly in her swimming pool. She has a terrible voice." Had to laugh (don't shoot me, Lila fans).

Kerry goes to Patty's house and, yawn, more scenes showing their friendship growing. Patty invites Kerry to the brace fitting. Sounds thrilling. At the doctors', they see a girl wearing a brace, and Patty can't even see it that well, so she realises it probably won't be as bad as she thinks it will be. She talks to the girl and they swap numbers, but Patty decides she can't go through with the performance of Swan Lake (it's that night). kerry talks her into it. Go Kerry.

It's show time and Patty's like totally nervous. However, Madame B tells her how great she is and she gets onstage and does a brilliant performance. She gets a standing ovation. And then.....Madame Baril tells her that, she may not be able to dance full time for a few years, but would she like to be Madame's assistant. Patty is overjoyed.And another Serious Sweet Valley Storyline ends well.

The End.

Oh wait, the Dance Marathon. Yawn. It starts out really badly, with nobody turning up, least of all Hollywood. Jessica is disappointed, but he turns up eventually - and asks where the 200 people she promised are. Uh-oh. He goes to Big Mesa and says he'll come back, leaving Jess with a patronising, "When we do [get back], I hope to see that huge crowd you promised, OK." Jessica promises to never ever forgive him if she, ahem, I mean, SVMS don't get on the show. I'm sure he's terrified! When he does get back, he erm tells everyone that Jessica didn't actually speak to him on the phone after all. Poor Jess. Then they tell Hollywood that SVMS has an epidemic going round, and everyone is ill. Jessica realises that just because he's good looking doesn't make him a nice person (she forgets this after the last page) and determines that they will get on the show. She gets the 96 people there to make a giant centipede formation and dance to Johnny Buck. And then she gets Hollywood to dance. And, guess what, they get on the show. Patty sees herself onscreen with all her new friendies and she's all happy. And all's well that ends well. Go Patty. Then the book ends with Veronica getting angry at Liz in Science because she gets a slightly higher mark on a test. Lead in to #66: The Great Boyfriend Switch.

The (Real) End.

recapper: zippyladoodles, tv show, sweet valley twins, dance!

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