003 | forward-dated to sunday morning the 18th

Sep 17, 2011 19:47

[So for anyone up early this lovely Sunday morning, you may be noticing that some of the drones walking around seem...a little stranger than usual. They're rotting, for one. And shambling. And hungry for flesh.

An explanation for this sudden change in behavior? What is this, DC? We don't need no stinkin' explanations! Instead, have this not at all suspicious phone call from a somewhat nervous Deadpool.]


I didn't do it!

[beat.] That said, if anyone needs help takin' out zombies, my services are available at a low, low fee! It'll cost extra if you want me to shoot your loving grandma, kids, dog, etcetera in the face for being infected.

Also, if someone sees my head jumpin' around trying to bite people or look up skirts, just...stick a box over the lil guy and call me, yeah?

[action; all around Mayfield]

[Yeah, Deadpool's all geared up with his katanas and costume and guns, just having the time of his life taking out zombies. Occasionally, if he catches someone looking, he very half-heartedly peeks under a bench or a bush.]

[OOC: I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get on in time Sunday morning, so this post marks the start of the zombie player plot! Feel free to forward-date posts tonight if you'd like! Again, this will run until Wednesday night, although as always, you're free to backdate!]
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