Okay, since I've heard the new header disappointed some because there's no Romano in it, implying again Rome favoured Veneziano, let's go check real world history and see how it would fit in Hetalia canon. Also, since we’re at it let’s see a bit of Rome’s history, if we can discover when the Italys had birth and which was their relation with Rome
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PS: Hum... it depends on which time you're referring. During the Italian wars south Italy was also a whealty state, north Italy was a huge bunch of states that were already bitching among them and conqueering each other. Think at Italy back then as a small Europe. If you try to generalize the story of Europe as if it was a single entity... well, it gets messy.
The following years were less good but probably because they were compared to the golden age (also because there were some wars between the Anjou and the Aragon).
According to many, troubles started in 15th century when south became its decadence period due to Spanish control... though it was a slow decadence so it wasn't all of suddently bad.
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