Not too many days left!

Apr 23, 2011 17:56

I have to respond to Akasha but...

I'm graduating! From MTU! On Saturday next! This is absolutely ridiculously, and awesomely, scary. I really never thought I'd make it this far in life, and now I have to figure out what I'm actually supposed to be... I'm graduating with a degree in STC, but now I have to make decisions and grow up. I always thought I'd be a student forever, or at least, die a student. What on earth am I to do?

I've been cramming as much reading in as possible, reaching out to friends missed, whilst running around getting everything done for graduation. I was just at the Print Shop yesterday, listening to the yooper printers arguing over magnets and metal slivers from their staple machine when I took a glance around me, and saw the stacks of diplomas and commencement booklets. It's just all so much, so soon, but not soon enough. But still too soon.

My husband's family will be there, and some friends of mine, but I still haven't spoken to my brother... I really won't have any family there, which is fine but.. It just further impresses on me how much I've gotten through on my own, and how important I am to myself. I could've easily found a bridge to jump off of, or ended up pregnant in Detroit's backstreets, but here I am. Graduating, somewhat accomplished, with friends that love and care about me. I think Mama would be proud of the things I've done and how, despite my moodiness and sometimes loneliness, I have come out on top of my own hastily constructed universe.

I really need to write that book.

I'll be sure to post pictures from graduation!

Love you all, 13

graduation, school, life

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