Has it sunk in yet?

May 07, 2011 00:35

Really? How does it feel? Has it sunk in yet??

I wonder what it is that I'm supposed to be feeling post graduation. My husband's asked me, my boss, the in-laws. And I'm just incredulous! I really don't know how else to respond except, "I'm still here, aren't I?"

Because honestly, I'm not running off to a paying job and starting a new awesome life. I'm staying here for another year, continuing in the crap jobs, and just waiting around until my husband graduates. There is no accomplishment in remaining the same...

I'm happy, I suppose, but I don't feel relieved or joyous. Fairly impatient, yes, but proud and accomplished, no.

I actually feel unsettled. Like I'm missing something, or like I haven't finished yet. I don't even feel like it's summer break!

But I'm content, and am looking forward to a stress-free summer. How about y'all? Looking forward to anything this summer?? 


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