This is crazy but...

Apr 04, 2011 17:34

Hey y'all!

I just found out (pretty late now) that Master of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon is being published. This is a TWIfic, AU/AH, that is so crazy beautiful and long and perfect. It had over 24K comments on Twilighted. It was amazing! But because of it being published, it was pulled from, her site, and Twilighted. It's just gone!

A few happy souls got the fic in PDF... But I missed the boat. I was so mad today, when I found out, that I was willing to find her (the writer) and spam her until she let me BUY the PDF from her. I would do it! Sure, I'll buy the darn MOTU in print, but the names will be different and... well it just doesn't work for me.

It's like a trend that the most popular TWIfics on get published. I mean, back-to-back, if they disappear, it's because they've been published. We should all be posting there!

If anyone, ANYONE has that MOTU in PDF, (and I'm sure this is illegal) I will give you money to send it to me. For real. I just want that story back!

Also, I finished that fic, the Lumione, Eden. It was beautiful but... Just tragic. I've been down all day. Sorry for the spoiler!

If anyone is out there.. Just say hi! I miss my LJ peeps!
, 13

Has anyone heard of Scentsy? I'm willing to take a yes/no answer with the region you live in!

lumione, scentsy, motu

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