Jun 23, 2011 08:50

So I got into a little civil disagreement with someone on el twitter, and honestly, I am way more pissed off than I let on. So I shall vent here.

On my personal twitter (which I won't give out the handle for, but if you want to follow my fannish twitter, I'm @thirteenstiel), I follow a geek blogger, and she tweeted about a panel at SDCC she's going to be a part of about women geeks and women in fandom. Cool, right? Anyway, then she retweeted a response she got, from a guy saying that if they really wanted it to be powerful, there should be men on the panel.

Right? Nothing says "women's opinions" like MEN.

So I tweeted to him saying basically that, in still sarcastic, but nicer words.

He responded saying that it's not HIS opinion, but some people (who are idiots, according to him) will disregard what the panel says because it's made up entirely of women. I tweeted back that I don't care about the opinions of people who need men to validate women's experiences.

Honestly, the whole exchange was really polite, but I am fuming. Fuck you, asshole. Yeah, "some people" won't take women's opinions seriously unless they are backed up by men. And let's cater to misogynists! Women's opinions on their experiences don't mean shit unless a MAN can be there to say "yeah, I've totally seen that too!"

And keep in mind this whole thing is about a panel about women's marginalization in fannish spaces. THANKS FOR PROVING THE NEED FOR THE PANEL'S EXISTENCE IN THE FIRST PLACE, DOUCHEBAG.

Also, the blogger in question RTed one of my tweets and then it got RTed another four times by strangers and I'm like ahhhhhhh too much attention. /o\

fandom fucking sucks sometimes, oh you silly females

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