I spent about five hours today studying stats. I am totally not exaggerating. It sucked. If I spent five hours studying stats every day, maybe I would understand it. I do think my grasp is better than it was this morning, so yay, I guess.
I also got my second econ midterm back. My first one was SO disastrous, you guys. I got tutoring, though, and even though the score on the second one was still nothing to be proud of, it was 25 points higher than my first midterm score. I got full points on almost everything I actually managed to complete, which is truly amazing - it just took so long for me to do it that I didn't come close to finishing. I'll just have to keep on with the tutoring and hope that I go up another 25 points for the final and for the final project. I think showing continual improvement will go a long way toward convincing my professor that I deserve a passing grade.
Anyway, after all of that, I feel like I deserve a break, and have been living like I have time for one for the last few hours. Except I don't, I totally have to write a paper for Drugs & Thugs, ha. fml.
I want to write a meta thingie, but I need to think about it more. I was talking to someone (
gothic_elvis, I think) about Mary's role in SPN lately. I feel like the first three seasons of the show really revolved around John - his absence, his presence, and then his sacrifice. Mary didn't exist so much as a character as a plot device. In seasons four and five, though, I think the show has begun to revolve much more around Mary - around her own deal, her own sacrifice, and her own tragedy.
I feel like there could some interesting thinky thoughts related to her increasing presence in the show, but I'm just scrabbling at ideas. Any thoughts?