May 07, 2010 19:32

THE CRACKEN AWAKENS FROM HER HIBERNATION. Hey guys. I'm in Toronto, and it's been like over a week since my last post. Whoops. I've really been neglecting my friends list too. I promise to get caught up on everybody soon! I've just been really lazy. So what's happened to me since we last saw each other?

+ My wallet got stolen the DAY AFTER I got here. Maria and Rose took me to an All Ages club (which is just as lame and boring as it sounds) because they're both still eighteen. Not only was it full of creepy guys. Not only was the music terrible. MY WALLET GOT STOLEN. I put it down for like a second, and I don't even remember doing it, but when I went back to buy another drink, I couldn't find it anywhere. One of the girls we were with told me she saw someone pick a wallet up and didn't realize it was mine. WELCOME BACK TO TORONTO ZINA. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. I've cancelled all my cards and it won't be a biggy to have them replaced but I'm still really pissed.

+ I've been looking for work. My friend Bradley is trying to hook me up with a job at Loblaws. That internship I applied for hasn't replied, so I figure I didn't get it. But there's another one at the aid center where my mom works, and since she'll be able to pull some strings for me, I'll be more likely to get it. Or at least get an interview. SOMEONE PLEASE HIRE ME FOR SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I NEED MONEY.

+ TV STUFF! I've been watching a lot of TV

~ BSG. I've finished Season Two.

I LOVE LAURA ROSLIN. Could she BE more awesome? What a classy dame. She just... owns. So hard. I really hope she somehow become president again. And I love Starbuck! What's weird is, when I first watched Season One in tenth grade, I really couldn't stand her for some reason. Just another indication of what an idiot I was when I was a kid. She's such a badass.

I also really like Helo, to my surprise. He's played by the same actor who played Paul Ballard on Dollhouse- one of the most annoying characters in the history of television. I really expected to have misplaced hatred for Helo because of it- but I think he's really sweet. And Sharon is obviously my favourite cylon.

But I hate number six. I have nothing against the whole bad guy thing. But she's so obnoxious and self-righteous. Plus, she makes this really annoying facial expression ALL THE TIME where she's sort of half-snarling. It makes me mad. Stop it.

Admiral Adama is such a boss. I love him. That is all.

I wasn't a huge fan of the end of Season Two. I think there were like four episodes in a row that were about nothing other than random romantic plotlines. Like, Lee and that random hooker and how he apparently had some issues with a chick we've never heard of. I don't care. And then they suddenly try to make us swallow Lee and Dee, which just makes me uncomfortable because of how big he is and how little she is, and how little chemistry those two actors have. You can cut the awkwardness with a knife.

I have more to say, but I'm gonna cut it short so I'm not rambling forever.

~ Dexter.

Okay, so I LOVE this show. Deb is kinda my hero. And Dexter is fucking HOT. Especially when he's in killin' mode. Fuck yeah. Season one's plot BLEW MY MIND. I literally gasped when we found out "Rudy" was the Ice Truck killer. And then again when we found out he was Dex's brother. Season Two was also awesome. Lila started off just being gross, then she got progressively more and more unhinged. Bitch needed to be taken out. Also, how could anyone betray Rita? She's so sweet. But I definitely think she's prettier when she's not covering up her worry lines with make-up.

So far Season Three has been kind of boring. I'm finding it really hard to maintain interest in the whole baby plotline, or the Miguel BFF thing. I dooooon't carrrrreee. I've been told Season Four is when things pick up again. I hope so, because this is getting old fast.

+ Lost was kind of a bloodbath this week. So emotional. I, of course, couldn't cry because my brothers would have punched me. But it was definitely overwhelming. I'm just tired of people I like dying while the people I hate are still fucking golden despite their stupidity and Darwin's theory of natural selection. It's bullshit.

work, lost, toronto, battlestar galactica, zina neglects lj, dexter, life sucks, tv

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