Apr 19, 2010 15:28

SO FIRST AND FOREMOST I WOULD LIKE TO WISH A VERY HAPPY AND WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY TO drownyour_kiss!!!!!! I think you're one of the few LJ friends I have that I've been friends with since I first started this journal when I was THIRTEEN!!! That's a long time bb!! I hope you have an amazing day!! <3

I've taken your suggestions to heart you guys. I have compiled a loooong list of shows to watch. [On a slightly unrelated note- blood_skittles, I watched all of The Thick of It yesterday!! Amazing. It was even better than In the Loop!! :D And I think I'm in love with Malcolm Tucker, lol. If anyone else is interested in an amazingly witty and clever political comedy show, WATCH THE THICK OF IT.]

I've started watching Legend of the Seeker. I have to confess... I kinda skipped most of Season 1 because I read on Wikipedia that Cara comes in at the finale. So I watched the first couple episodes to get the gist, then I watched the finale. I'm partway through Season 2 now. I'm in the middle of the episode where they find the other confessor. But can I just say- CARA IS SUCH A BAMF OMG SHE MAKES THIS SHOW. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. HBIC like no other. I wish everyone would just listen to her, cuz she gets shit done. As long as she is on the show, I will watch it forever.

I think next on my list is going to be BSG. I've downloaded the miniseries, and I'm about halfway through downloading Season 1. After this weeks exams, I'm gonna start on it. Oh man, this is going to be an interesting summer. I hope you guys don't mind me just ranting at you about all the different shows I'm getting into, because that looks like it's going to become my life. Y'all have such awesome taste in TV! :D

legend of the seeker, happy birthday!, exams, zina makes poor life choices, battlestar galactica, tv

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