(no subject)

May 12, 2010 13:21

Just here to procrastinate on writing cover letters.

Fuck there's this asshole upstairs that likes to drill things at 9:30 AM every day. I GUESS HE JUST HATES PEOPLE WHO ARE ON VACATION. DOUCHE. I want to cleaver the fuck out of him. Lol can you tell I've been watching a lot of Dexter?

In other news, I want a bike.

TV land.

When I first watched that episode last night I HATED IT. I was so angry. I had hyped it up so much to my brothers and I guess I was expecting a lot. The dialogue was choppy and dumb, the execution was just. Awful. I was really upset that this whole thing boils down to two brats with mommy issues. Jacob is just a mama's boy, MIB just wants to move out. That's. It. Oh yeah, and a giant pool of yellow water. I expected so much more to be motivating them considering how ~omnipotent~ they seem to be and how much they affect the lives our plebeian heroes.

Then I slept on it, and now I don't think I hate it that much. We did get to see the interesting dynamic between Jacob, MIB and their mom. And this is Lost, so of course it has to do with parent issues of some sort. At least it wasn't daddy issues again. Plus, it put a lot of things we've seen and heard earlier into a new perspective.

"I've looked into the eye of the island. And what I saw was beautiful"- Pee pool?

"I saw a bright light" "That is not what I saw"- ~magic light~ vs smokey?

"I just want to go home"

etc etc

For the record, I belong to the camp that believes that Smokey is MIB in a different form. I don't think Smokey killed him and took his form to manipulate Jacob. I also think that once MIB became Smokey, he lost his humanity and became -dark-. Like, he still has the same motivation, he's just willing to do baaad shit to get to it.

When I first watched last night's episode, I felt cheated for being Team Jacob for so long, because Across the Sea made him seem downsy as fuck. Every word out of his mouth was retarded. I think someone on ontd_lost called him a "derpy moron". Very apt. But something is obviously different about that Jacob and the Jacob we know and love, right? Our Jacob is a lot more wise and knowing, and not so hurr durr. Obviously he's learned something over time. Which is the only reason I'm still Team Jacob right now.


I JEARED when Rita died. Someone had spoiled it for me, but near the end there I really thought they were mistaken because everything looked like it was going to work out. I hate that. It just sucks that she had to be a casualty of Dexter's problem. It really had nothing to do with her. And now those poor kids have no mommy. :'(

LOL I care so little about Laguerta and Batista's relationship tbh. It was so random and wtf. I was just like "Oh, okay." I've lost so much interest in those characters.

Deb is still a boss. Her answering machine is "This is Deb. Do it." Fuckin love her. I really never got her attraction to Lundy though. It's not even that he's old, he just gives off such Grandpa vibes, it's actually gross. I would not have dumped Anton the ~musician~ for him js. But I love what a smart cookie she is. She totally pieces everything together faster than the other noobs at the station, and without the resources Dexter has. SHE IS THE BOSSSSS.

Jesus, Season 4 was SO MUCH BETTER than Season 3. Thank God. The Trinity killer stuff was so awesome. I really hope Season 5 is that action packed and fast-paced.

dexter, life, work, cover letters, lost, tv

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