Fic: Sunrise

Aug 22, 2017 13:06

Title: Sunrise
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Steve and Tony (mention of Dugan and Scott)
Rating: PG
Summary: He's grizzled, nowadays
Warning: post-Civil War, but no real spoilers. *Written for Drabble Contest at challengeme on DreamWidth. Prompt: sunrise
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Marvel, Disney, other various entities, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

For someone who spent seventy years under the ice, most men would run to the most tropical zone on the planet. He could be hiding out among the palm trees and bleached white sands, instead of living in a drafty hut on a snow-covered hillside, chopping wood at dawn.

It's easier to disappear into the crowd under layers of clothing and the thick beard. Now and then, he wonders how he would look with Dugan's mustache.

"At least Lang had the sense to go to Cuba," Steve hears from behind.


"Grizzly," Tony retorts.

The sunrise blocks Steve's responding gesture.

~challenge, .challengeme, fic: marvelverse, ~drabble

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