Fic: Trust

Aug 22, 2017 13:04

Title: Trust
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Jack (mention of Peggy and the Howling Commandos and Steve)
Rating: G
Summary: It's not fair.
Warning: during The Iron Ceiling, but no real spoilers. *Written for Drabble Contest at challengeme on DreamWidth. Prompt: trust
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Marvel, Disney, other various entities, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Jack can't figure out why no one will listen when he makes a suggestion. Technically, he is the highest ranking officer in the group, but there just doesn't appear to be any respect.

He can see that every one of the men automatically turns to Carter, every time he says anything. But, oh, do they snap to with her every word.

She's not the boss, here.

He is.

Peggy Carter is only there because she conned her way into the mission.

Because she knows Captain America.

She called in a favor.

All she's going to do is get them captured.

~challenge, .challengeme, fic: marvelverse, ~drabble, fic: agent carter

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