Fic: Forgiveness

Aug 22, 2017 13:11

Title: Forgiveness
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Michael and Sara
Rating: PG
Summary: He deserves to get more than hit, far as she's concerned
Warning: during Season Five, but no real spoilers. *Written for Drabble Contest at challengeme on DreamWidth. Prompt: forgiveness
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Fox, Paul Scheuring, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"I can't believe," she fumes, one contact of Sara's hand to his arm or chest with each word," you would do that to me!" He's smiling, although those last few hits do actually hurt, because Michael knows he deserves it.

Probably double, if he hadn't already spent the past five years mentally beating himself to a pulp for the same offense.

One last screech of pent-up range escapes Sara's person, and she collapses against her husband's chest as his arms wrap around her.

"Thank you," he murmurs into her hair.

"I haven't forgiven you, Scofield."

He smiles.

"Yes, you have."

~challenge, .challengeme, ~drabble, fic: prison break

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