Fic: Dreams

May 16, 2016 10:54

Title: Dreams
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dum Dum (mention of Peggy)
Rating: G
Summary: He can't sleep. Again
Warning: about two weeks after The Iron Ceiling, but no real spoilers. *Written for Prompt Bingo, Bingo Pt 2 at tv-universe. Prompt: I'm dreaming of...
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Marvel, Joss, Disney, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Timothy knew he was in trouble the first time he dreamed of that red dress. In his defense, it had been a long, hard winter, but having dreams about his friend's girl just felt wrong. Even if that friend was MIA and, most likely, dead. After a while, he'd managed to put the image of Peggy in that red dress out of his mind. Probably because he was still in Europe, and she was out of contact, back in the states.

And then she called.

It took two weeks after she'd come and gone for the dream to start again.

~challenge, .tv_universe, fic: marvelverse, ~drabble, fic: agent carter

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