Fic: The Elusive Burger

Mar 18, 2010 22:02

Title: The Elusive Burger
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: David and the other folks at the Hilltop (mention of DG)
Rating: G
Summary: David is hungry, and he just wants his burger.
Warning: Part One *Written for Round 7A at tm_challenge.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

David was watching the waitress on the other side of the counter as she pulled a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon down from the shelf. He was really hungry, but the burger wasn't up yet. He liked to sit at the counter - his mother preferred the booths along the far wall, but the lunch rush had beaten them to the Hilltop that morning. Behind the shelf, David was almost tall enough to see back into the kitchen, when the cook was busy doing whatever he did back there to prepare everyone's meals.

Next to him, David's older brother, Nathan, was busy shaking salt onto the counter, then drawing designs in the small pile. "Stop that," their mother said, slapping Nathan's hand. He made a face and swiped the salt off the counter as she pulled the salt and pepper shakers away from him. Nathan rolled his eyes and began to twist his stool side to side.

David watched as the waitress came back to the counter and grabbed one of the coffee pots. She turned around and poured fresh coffee into his mother's mug and gave her a nod. "Should be up in just a second," she said, giving David and Nathan a quick smile.

Behind her, all four of them heard the cook grumble something and her eyes rolled up. Following a bang and a smack of metal to metal, she sighed and turned back to replace the coffee pot to the warmer. A second later, one plate appeared on the shelf. David pushed himself up to see if it was his burger, but frowned when he saw that it was chicken fingers.

They'd been to see his grandma - a trip he always hated, because the place she lived smelled funny - and, after lunch, they were headed to the store. The sound of his brother getting smacked again made David turn in his seat in time to see his mother whisper something into Nathan's ear and miss the plated burger that had just appeared on the shelf.

There was a loud shout from the kitchen and the waitress moved back to the counter. David looked straight ahead and saw a burger, then another and, finally, a sandwich, and he let out a small sigh of relief. The waitress grabbed the two closest plates - the sandwich and one burger - and turned back. Giving the burger a look, she set it down in front of Nathan, and the sandwich went to their mother.

As she turned back for the other plate, there was another shout from the kitchen, followed by a few bangs. David was beginning to wonder if the other waitress - the pretty one, who always gave him a smile - was going to show up, because it was clear that the shouting and banging was because she wasn't there yet.

David frowned and turned to Nathan, who was already digging into his own burger, and giving his little brother a smirk.

He was never going to get that burger.

~challenge, .tm_challenge, fic: tin man

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