Feb 21, 2010 02:21
somehow I've gained 30pounds in the past 6 months.
it actually really bothers me because I can feel it. not literally, but ive been really self conscious lately. my weight has always fluctuated from 170 to 190. i hopped on the scale and it was 201. holy damn. i know it really isnt a lot, but for years I always told my self that if i ever hit 200, itd be diet time for sure. Well, its been about a week or two since and I havent started dieting. or exercising.
someone in my house fell asleep watching a dvd. i can hear the looping main menu. why do they do that to dvds? its the most horrific thing to wake up to at 7am to the main menu music BLARING.
anyways. yes, i've been pretty stressed lately, and that makes me not want to start any projects, let alone a diet. but it would be beneficial to my stress if i did do something. im not sure. ive been feeling a little weird lately. i feel ugly. its odd to me, because i used to be self conscious when i was younger, then I went into college and around that time i just never cared. i feel uncomfortable in my body. blah.