Jan 02, 2010 17:31
I dont plan on ever deleting this. One day, it'll just slink into the oblivion known as the Internet, only to show up in random Google searches.
I think LiveJournal sucks. What happened. They totally forgot to keep up with the times.
You hear me LiveJournal? You fucked up big time. You ruined your chance of survival. Unfortunately, I really enjoyed having a LiveJournal, and will miss it a little. Mostly because LiveJournal allows/allowed you to expose/reveal/delve into more personal issues/thoughts than "I hate traffic outside the mall!".
But like I said, LiveJournal failed. Five years ago, everyone knew about LiveJournal (or online journals in general). Now, not so much. People know what blogs are (and yes there IS a difference between an online journal and a blog) as well as social networks. Maybe it's LiveJournals fault, maybe people just don't want to get personal. Who knows.
Anyway, it's 2010. I was at Times Square. Staying at the Crown Plaza at Times Square. Three blocks from the ball. A cop let us sneak into the streets so we were close without waiting 12 hours. We waited 5ish. But there was something really great and almost communist about being stuck in a pen with thousands and thousands of people without food, water, bathrooms while it was raining, snowing, sleeting, then raining again waiting for a ball the size of a basketball to slide down a pole.Communist? Ben, that sounds like a concentration camp. Anyway, same goes for the countdown; I've counted down with my family and friends before, but never with all these people at Times Square.
I'll never do it again though!