{Drabble} The heart wants what the heart wants (NCIS)

Feb 09, 2012 16:24

TITLE: The heart wants what the heart wants
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

GENRE: het, romance, fluff
SUMMARY: It was late when Jenny finally opened the front door of her house in Georgetown ... Written for prompt "R is for Romance" sharpiesgal claimed at my ABC prompt table.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.

It was late when Jenny finally opened the front door of her house in Georgetown. She had worked for sixteen hours straight and wanted nothing more than to take a hot and long bath, accompanied by some soft music and one or two glasses of bourbon, before falling into a deep sleep.
Unfortunately, her nights had been really short lately and this night would be no exception. She knew that at some point her body would shut down and she would get the revenge for her unhealthy way of living. But what was she supposed to do? Long hours in the office and short nights at home came with the job description when she signed up for being the director. She’d known this from the beginning and it had never been a real problem for her.

Until a few weeks ago when everything had changed and things had happened Jenny had never dreamt of. Her life had been turned upside down and all of the sudden she wanted to spend all the time in the world at home, snuggled against the chest of the man who’d made all this happen. Being with him, his strong arms around her, was what made her feel complete. Work, the agency … even Jethro was suddenly unimportant to her.
Jenny knew that she was falling from one extreme into another, and one could argue that this wasn’t healthy either. If people knew what she was up to lately and who she was spending time with, they might call her insane. But what could she do - if there wasn’t even anything to do?
The heart wants what the heart wants.
In the past Jenny hadn’t believe in such things but that had also changed.
All because of him.

Jenny smiled as she closed the door and walked straight to her living room from where the soft music was playing. The lights where turned off and the room was lightened only by the warm light of a dozen or more candles lit up in every corner of the room. The furniture was moved to the side, making room for a huge blanket, a basket full of food and a wine cooler. Red rose petals formed a track from the door where she‘d stopped, leading her to the blanket and to him.
“You are late, chérie,” he said as Jenny joined him on the blanket. Taking her hand he pulled her down to him and into a deep kiss that made her knees weak.
“What was that for?” she asked breathless.
“Just because,” he answered smiling. “I thought you were hungry and needed something to distract you.”
“You know me too well, Trent.” Jenny smiled and took the glass of champagne he offered her. Who needed a hot bath or bourbon when you had all this and the promise of more to follow?, she thought before she stopped thinking at all and relaxed against his check, his strong arms embracing her and shielding her from the outside world.

- The End -

{feature} jenny_trent, {format} drabble, {fandom} ncis

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