{Drabble} I'm gonna love you through it (Lost)

Feb 08, 2012 17:57

TITLE: I'm gonna love you through it
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: alt!Jack/Juliet
GENRE: het, angst, romance
RATING: PG.13 (for some cursing)
SUMMARY: It was funny considering that she was a doctor and as such used to blood and all kinds of injuries ... Written for prompt "C is for Cut" squeakyboots claimed at my ABC prompt table.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. SPOILER for season 6.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them. The title is snagged from Martina McBride's song. Check it out, it's awesome!


„Damnit!“ Juliet cursed angrily as she dropped the knife to the floor. Watching red blood pulsing from the deep cut on her thumb she stood still, almost as if too paralyzed to move. It was funny considering that she was a doctor and as such used to blood and all kinds of injuries.
But when it came to her own body, to her own injuries she almost always felt helpless. And she hated it with all her heart; like she hated so many things lately- about herself, her life... just everything.

“Juliet?” Jack asked worriedly as he entered the kitchen. He stopped at the door watching his wife’s back next to the sink. She didn’t move or react to his voice or his appearance at all, and for a moment Jack didn’t know what was going on and what he should do. Lately, Juliet had been moody and unpredictable, and every so often went to bed cranky leaving him behind, confused and worried. Sometimes she scared him and he felt more helpless and clumsy than his father has ever made him feel.
Maybe he should just leave quietly, pretending he hadn‘t been here? He’d learned that, sometimes, this was the best solution, but before he could take a step backwards, he noticed the knife on the floor and the red blood splatters all over the kitchen cabinet.

With two quick steps he was at Juliet‘s side, examining the deep cut on her left thumb. Slowly, as if she only now realized that he was here, Juliet turned her head to look at him with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay," Jack soothed her. „I've got you“

"I can't do this, Jack. I tried but... I can't."
"Yes, you can," Jack said, leading her to the nearest chair. "You will be wonderful. You are wonderful. The most amazing woman I've ever met. You are strong and beautiful and... perfect.“
„I am?“ Juliet asked doubtfully. Jack nodded.
„But I can‘t even take care of myself. Look at me.“ He lifted her injured hand. „How am I supposed to look after a baby?“
„Just the way you manage to do everything,“ Jack answered, placing a hand on Juliet‘s stomach. „With style and love and a great portion of bad-a...“ He couldn‘t finish the sentence because Juliet was giving him her special stare.
„See,“ he grinned, „that‘s what I was talking about.“

- The End -

{feature} juliet_jack, {fandom} lost, {format} drabble

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