[Drabble] Right before the eyes {Leverage}

Feb 07, 2012 19:11

TITLE: Right before the eyes
FANDOM: Leverage
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Nate/Sophie, Hardison/Parker (mentioned)
GENRE: het, angst, romance
SUMMARY: Too overwhelmed for words Nate just did what his instincts told him ... Written for prompt "F is for Future" ami_ven claimed at my ABC prompt table.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. SPOILER for 4.18 "The last dam job"!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.


It was to kill or to be killed. That’s what he had tried to tell himself.
Two choices, simple and easy. He had no other option but to kill to save himself. That’s what he told himself to find excuses for his plan.

But the truth was he only wanted vengeance; for his father, for his son, for all the misery that had happened in his life. Pulling the trigger would’ve been easy, and if he ignored the consequences it was no big deal at all. One move with his finger and everything would change.

He would get his vengeance. But at what costs?
Nate had tried to ignore the latter, too blind and broken to see what lay ahead of him.
When it was over he couldn’t believe himself. What he’d almost risked for the anger running through his veins; poisoning his mind, his senses.
For a moment he’d been so sure of himself; sure that he was doing the right thing, but the little voice in his head that sounded so much like Sophie had saved him. Without her he would’ve done it. She’d saved him, changed him. She’d given him a future without even knowing it. Why had it taken him so long to see it, to admit it?

Nate blinked away a tear, then turned his head to face her. In a distance he saw Hardison and Parker standing closer together than usual, arguing with Eliot. The picture felt so right. He might have lost his wife and son - but he had found a new love and a new family.

Too overwhelmed for words Nate just did what his instincts told him. Pulling Sophie close he kissed her and put all his feelings, his love in this kiss, promising her the future that had already started.

- The End -

{format} drabble, {feature} sophie_nate, {fandom} leverage

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