Учим английский с Микки и Мэлори

Oct 17, 2017 16:09

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1. Смотрим, не глядя в текст.
2. Смотрим, разбирая по тексту.
3. Снова смотрим, не глядя в текст.

- Goddamn, this son-of-a-bitch, it is runnin' hot!

- Y'all go on inside. I'm gonna check it out.

- All right, I'll get a cold one for ya.

- Good God almighty, what the hell is that?

- That? A bitch out of hell, son. Take a run at her, kiddo.

- Miller, Mabel.

- Right, comin' up.

- Hey, Mabel.

"The way you love me got to suit my style"
"Or little baby, I will say goodbye"

- That's some sweet piece of meat, ain't it?

- Her name's... Mallory.

- Mallory, whatever. Who gives a shit? I call it pussy!

- HelI's bells, don't stop now, darlin'... I'm just gettin' started!

- Hey, I think she's sweet on you.

- Are you flirtin' with me?

- Beep, beep.

- You want a piece of it, darling?!

- Your move, fucker! Go!

- Yeah!

- This stupid... Shit... ...list!

- Shit! You son-of-a-bitch...

- It's not polite to point.

- Just because my woman's mopping up the floor... with your buddy, is no reason to join in.

- How sexy am I now? Huh...flirty boy?!

- How sexy am I now?!

- Damn!

- "You made my shit list!"

- Why're they always fuckin' with me?

- Honey! Come on, he's dead.

- I just wanna dance. Fucker!

- No! There's no escaping here!

- Who's the lucky one?

- Eenie, meenie... minie, moe... catch a redneck by his toe. If he hollers let him go!

- Eanie, meanie, minie, moe... My mama told me... to pick the best one, and you are it!

- Woo!

- When people ask you who done this, you tell 'em Mickey and Mallory Knox did it. All right? Say it!

- Mickey and Mallory Knox.

- I love you, Mickey.

- I love you, Mallory!


Лексика, заслуживающая внимания:

Take a run at her - займись ей
She is sweet on you - ты ей нравишься
Miller - сорт пива
Hell's bells! - Черт возьми!
You made my shit list - ты попал в мой черный список, мой список мудаков etc.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe - оригинал считалочки тут https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eeny,_meeny,_miny,_moe

english movies

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