Prison Break season 3 premiere

Sep 22, 2007 00:39

Prison Break 3.01 - Orientacíon

I made a similar post on the Devoted Fans Nework forum.

"I think I might be the only one who didn't like the season premiere, I just found it too hard to watch. Wanting to press the stop button a few times throughout. I even felt sorry for Bellick, poor guy he isn't going to make it. Dressing up in a plastic bag, ( Read more... )

tv talk, prison break

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Comments 6

marie422 September 21 2007, 16:44:42 UTC
I liked the season premiere. I started to lose interest in PB last season, but I think that this season looks pretty good, a little more closer to what season one was about. As for the storylines this season, I'm gessing that Michael will soon have to figure out a plan to get the hell out of there, and Linc will be the one helping him this time, and you know, more Company stuff. ;) I'm curious to see what will happen with Sucre too, I just hope his storyline will be more than just about Mari-Cruz 'cause that's pretty boring.

I'll keep watching, but if I'm losing interest again then I might do just like you, download the episodes and have a marathon eventually. But the problem is that I don't want to be spoiled, and if I do that, I'll probably know what's going on before I see it. I don't know I'll just wait and see how the new season will be.

Rat meat? Maybe, but the first thing that came to my head was human flesh :lol: Cos of the harsh conditions, I had to think of the worse LOL

Oh god I thought the exact same thing ! I was ( ... )


lvoisa September 21 2007, 17:20:02 UTC
actually i liked the premiere of PB. i was so sick of their crap last season, i thought last season was so bad. i was thinking i wasnt gonna watch this year but i got interested from what i saw. looks like things could get spiced up and exciting again.

didnt sucre die? or is that just me.

hahah its so creepy, especially since shes so little. i see her as a little kid. i like them anyways though, i dont know what it is but i tend to like real life ships from tvshows.


allstar12 September 22 2007, 01:55:48 UTC
I didn't hate the premiere, but I didn't like it either. It was kind of, meh. And it's like the same premise all over again .. they have to break someone out, so someone else won't die. Yawn.

Mostly, just CSI:NY, but I think that's because I need my Carmine fix ;)

I could attack you w/ Carmine pics if you really need your fix XP

And ya, Im totally with you on the Milo/Hayden thing. They're totally together and it kind creeps me out. I keep forgetting he's 30 b/c he looks pretty young.


prerogativ2315 September 23 2007, 00:55:15 UTC
k i didnt read your post only bcz i have to download the premiere tomo since i missed it last week. anyway, just wanted to say as soon as i watch it im gonna read what you wrote about it, i wanna see if it isnt all that good like you say:(


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