Can't help but wait..

Nov 09, 2007 16:49

Papa went to Perth on Wednesday, and will only be back on Sunday.. I really, really wish I could've gone with him!
Dah la Thursday was a public holiday and I didn't have class today.. *sigh*
I don't know why I'm so captivated with Aussie, I just am.... (No, it's not just SUPRE, I swear!)
It's this feeling I get whenever I enter the country.. I'm just blown away...
I love the weather.. I love the views.. I love looking at the buildings.. And the parks.. I love browsing through the weekend markets..

**Some pics Sha took on our trip to Perth in May 2006**

And you know those indicators on the street that tell you when it's safe to cross the road? I even enjoy hearing the sound it makes.. LOL
Heck, I also like the sound of the didgeridoo! :-P

Maybe it's coz I always go to Aussie when I'm on holidays, so I feel very relaxed over there... I don't know la.
I just miss it whenever I'm here in Malaysia and bored with my routines.....

See! My hair is so well behaved in Oz too! The moment I return to Malaysia, it becomes so rebellious *annoyed*

Anyways, when I'm done with my second year, I'm required to undergo some practical training at an Interior Design firm for three to four months, and I was imagining how great it would be if I could work for a firm in Australia.. Heheh
I know, my mind likes to wander and dream of things that others may label as silly and rubbish..
But I just want it so, so badly.
I want to get away from this country for a bit...

I know, I keep going on and on about how I wanna get out.
People overseas who are homesick must think I'm the most ungrateful person ever, to wanna leave the country so much.
Maybe I need to miss something so badly to realise how much it means to me.
Maybe I need to live in Australia long enough, to figure out that it's just another country and Malaysia is where my heart truly belongs.
Maybe it'll help me feel more patriotic about my country.

Yes, I think that's exactly what I need.

I just wish I could tell Papa all that :-/

australia, vacation

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