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Comments 7

matchboximpala December 12 2014, 05:33:02 UTC
What kind of postcards? Are they postcards you've received or collected? I have a whole stack of unused ones. Want them?


zubeneschamali December 15 2014, 02:07:13 UTC
About a third of them are ones I've collected, another 2/3 were sent to me.

If you have postcards to get rid of, I'd love them! You have my address from the book, right? Which I never thanked you for? /o\


matchboximpala December 15 2014, 02:53:27 UTC
I do have your address. I am so happy I have found a home for them -- I will send them out this week.

And for the book, you are welcome. :D


dugindeep December 12 2014, 15:15:15 UTC
re: 9

I don't know why, but I always imagined you sitting in a comfy chair and doing it all by hand. I mean, I know quilting isn't knitting, but still ... lol


zubeneschamali December 15 2014, 02:08:12 UTC
Hee! I have made one quilt in my life entirely by hand. It was for my best friend's wedding, and it arrived before their first anniversary. :D


enablelove December 16 2014, 04:47:31 UTC
mmmm candy

Aww I used to play the recorder in elementary school and drove my fam crazy haha


zubeneschamali December 25 2014, 01:20:50 UTC
I had one of those too!

Mmm, candy.


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