Happy 2014

Dec 31, 2013 23:31

It's still 2013 in Central Standard Time as I write this, but it's the new year for most everyone reading it, so Happy New Year! *horns* *confetti ( Read more... )

personal, 52 weeks

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Comments 21

dugindeep July 11 2014, 16:18:55 UTC
Any week at all, and you can choose from any of these or do them all!

1. Favorite ballpark thus far and why?
2. What do you love about transportation? Please keep your answer to 2-3 reasons.
3. If you could have any job in the world, and be paid adequately well, what would it be?
4. What is your favorite flavor combination of Jared and Jensen in fics? (overall characteristics, not a specific fic)
5. What is the #1 fic idea/plot that you want to exist, whether by you writing it or someone else?


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