Best. Exchange. Gift. Ever.

Dec 19, 2013 09:34

You guys, I am flailing so much I can't even. I have wanted an SPN vid of Bruce Springsteen's "No Surrender" for YEARS, and this year ash48 got me in the spn_j2_xmas exchange and made all my dreams come true. It's mostly early seasons, but there's the right amount of later seasons in there, too, and all the Sam and Dean feels, and PERFECT use of the lyrics and the ( Read more... )

rec, yay!, supernatural

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Comments 3

galwithglasses December 19 2013, 20:02:10 UTC
It's the perfect song for them and she did an awesome job.


cassiopeia7 December 19 2013, 22:26:48 UTC
That is one damned gorgeous vid and you are the luckiest recipient EVER. Springsteen and the Winchester brothers? A match made in heaven!


ash48 December 20 2013, 00:10:19 UTC
Oh YAAAAY! I'm so glad you liked it! And wow - years of waiting huh? that makes me extra happy that I could vid that for you. <333


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