The Agent 1/1

Nov 04, 2015 23:01

Title: The Agent
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut, Crime
Warning: Some power play. Implied bondage. (>_<)
Summary: Yoochun is a secret agent. Jaejoong is his target.

A/N: Um. The muses were in the mood to tease Yoochun. Nuff said.

Yoochun ran, he ran as fast as his legs would take him. The cold rain weighed his clothes and weakened his knees but he was determined to not give up. This was the last time that damn con would slip past him.

“Yoochun. Report,” he heard Yunho’s voice again. “YOOCHUN! SAY SOMETHING DAMMIT!”

Yoochun was panting. “Can’t. Chasing. Getting-FUCK!”

Momentarily distracted, Yoochun paused just long enough to miss the green light at the crosswalk. By the time he approached it, only three seconds were left.

Seeing no immediate traffic he went for it.

“Yoochun, stop. He’s dangerous. Where are the others?”

“No! He’s not getting away aga-“

Time suddenly stopped. Sharp pain snapped from his ankle and up his leg. Before Yoochun realized it, he was facing the pavement, a loud blaring sound was fast approaching and the cold rain already numbing his ears made the pain throb mercilessly.

He tried to stand, only to slip again. This time falling hard on his elbows. Bracing himself for the worst, Yoochun closed his eyes.

The worst never came. Instead, someone pulled him up, tugging him from around his middle until he was up on his feet. Again, another bolt of pain shot up his leg and he nearly fell again. Still, the arms that held him were strong.

Yoochun immediately noticed when they were no longer on the street and closer to an alley between shops. When his back hit the wall too roughly, he focused past the moisture between his lashes to find no one other than the con man himself, smiling and looking oddly satisfied.

The man held him by the collar, face only centimeters away. His warmth radiated along the length of Yoochun’s body. “For a cop, you are rather clumsy. You were almost rammed back there,” the man said with a manner Yoochun rarely encountered.

“I’m not a cop,” Yoochun said with a cough.

Letting him go, the man scoffed. “Cop. Agent. Spy. Same difference. Either way, you should watch yourself,” he warned.

“Is that a threat?” Yoochun asked, voice in a panic.

“I just saved your life, what do you think?” the other man replied with a laugh. “You do not occupy in much field work, do you Park Yoochun?”

“How do you now my name?” Yoochun asked, ignoring the other man’s mocking tone.

“You track me, I track you. I make a point to know who I am dealing with. Do you?”

Yoochun looked at the other man carefully, taking in as many details as possible. He was about his height, had a slim but muscled build with broad shoulders, a sharp nose and jaw, and his eyes were a too pale shade of brown not to be considered unique. Though wet, his hair also appeared to be on the lighter side.

This was the first time Yoochun had ever seen him up close or seen him in something other than confiscated footage and overly pixelated images, of which, there weren’t many in the first place. The con man was-after all-very good at evading detection. But Yoochun was sure, this was the man he had spent the last year chasing. His gut was certain.

Despite himself, Yoochun couldn’t quite keep his admiration from showing. With the way the other man looked him down, he could have sworn the admiration was mutual.

“Well, it appears your party is finally here. Until next time, Park Yoochun” the con man said as he pointed somewhere.

Yoochun followed the gesture to spot his crew just across the street, already facing in his direction. When he turned back to the alley, the con man was already gone.


Yoochun hunched over the monitors, too obsessed to mind the pile of papers that nearly blocked them.

“You should really try to get your paper work done or it will bite you in the ass later,” Yunho said, approaching from behind.

“It’s already biting me in the ass. I rather ignore it,” he replied.

Yunho’s hands suddenly curved around his hips and pulled him until their bodies touched.

Not surprised, Yoochun went along easily.

“I rather be the one biting your ass,” Yunho said shamelessly.

“We’re in the office” Yoochun warned, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference.

“Look around, everyone’s out. But if you want some privacy, the meeting room has a lock and I’m glad to report your request for frosted glass walls was dutifully followed.”

Feeling himself hard and already short of breath, Yoochun moaned. “Or?” he dared to question.

Yunho’s breath fluttered against Yoochun’s ear in the way he knew Yoochun loved. “Or-I could hold you tight, bend you over the desk and pleasure you like you deserve” Yunho promised, easily reaching to unbutton Yoochun’s slacks.

“I’m already bending.”

“Job half done then.”

“And then?”

Voice growing deeper, Yunho continued. “Then, I can take your cock and play, play so that it aches and drips. And just before your legs begin to give out, I’ll start from behind.”

Like Yunho promised, one hand was already playing with friction along Yoochun’s cock. By this time, Yoochun was sure he wanted more than a short lived hand job.

Even though he tried, Yoochun could barely keep his voice from shaking. “CCTV,” he warned.

“You already know Hakyeon doesn’t mind a show.”


“That slick son of a bastard! How does he manage to get away every single fucking time?!” Yoochun screamed.

Even though they were aware by now that his frustration was not aimed at them, his team couldn’t help but flinch.

Next to Yoochun, their star field agent Jung Yunho kept on with the report. “He managed to disable all internal security protocols. We are only able to trace his steps through the CCTV footage that was frozen and allowed him to walk in, undetected. But again, not one image of him in action. Like all the ones before, the company was ruined within twenty four hours. All their assets were liquidated and their funds were transferred out of the country and probably cashed out. With their dirty laundry now free for the media to abuse, their stock worth is practically at zero. They have no way to recover. It has his name written all over it and once again, we can’t prove it or have any idea of his whereabouts,” he said with a final huff.

“You mean, assuming we knew his name, sir. As it were, we still have no way of identifying him,” said the youngest member of their team. “But he did leave behind a nicely typed letter, offering a clue for his next target,” she offered.

“Now he’s taunting us?” Yoochun grunted.

“With incredible politeness it would seem. I have not seen writing like this since I was in-” spotting Yoochun’s impatience, she stopped. “We have reason to believe his next target might be his final one,” the agent added cautiously.

Yoochun’s brow rose. “How so?”

The young agent swallowed. “Well, he implied it. He is asking us if we have figured out the connection between all these companies because we are running out of time.”

The briefing continued for another hour, followed by another four of nothing but frantic problem solving. In the end, Yunho advised Yoochun to go home and sleep. He had been cooped up in the office for twenty three hours out of the day for the last five weeks and now with another failed mission fresh in his mind, Yunho feared he would drive himself mad.

Yoochun needed to rest.

When he couldn’t get the obsessed agent to agree, Yunho resorted to calling in a higher power and non-regrettably watched as their commander asserted his authority to his stubborn partner.

“Agent Rain will fill in for you for a week, hell, make it two. I don’t want to see your face here in the meantime, understood?” their commander asked. “Park, do I make myself clear?”

Through thick teeth, Yoochun said yes and walked out door without another word.


His apartment was unusually cold. “Too fucking cold,” he thought to himself as he kicked off his shoes and hung his coat.

Yoochun berated the day he thought leasing a full apartment was a good idea. He was hardly ever home and his brother had moved out months ago. Maybe it was time to move out. Making a mental note of it, he went straight for the kitchen, or at least, he meant to until he caught a whiff of something interesting.

The scent of vanilla and jasmine lingered in the air. It was faint. But it was there. Knowing he couldn’t remember the last time he had lit the candle he normally kept in his bedroom, a thousand alarms set off in his brain making his fatigue dulled senses sharpen spontaneously.

He moved into the living room area cautiously, his back kept strategically against the wall. On closer inspection, nothing else appeared out of place, forcing him to question his very sanity. But his instincts didn’t let him calm. That is, until he inspected every room to find nothing amiss. The kitchen, the bathroom, the spare room and then finally his bedroom. Everything was quiet and unmoved.

“You’re losing it,” he groaned before letting himself free fall onto his bed.

His tired fingers moved to undo a few buttons of his collar and pull off his tie but otherwise grew limp against the cotton sheets. The softness of the mattress soothed his stiff body, tempting Yoochun into closing his eyes. Sleep felt almost too heavy to push off but a quick reminder of the wonders of a hot shower helped him pry his eyes open. That was when out of the corner of his eye he spotted the candle on the vanity.

Yoochun sat up slowly, eyes glued to the half spent cylinder. Having a fondness for the scent, Yoochun often bought the same candle from a little shop he frequented at the end of his running path. He hadn’t visited the place for weeks, however, he was almost certain the candle was still more than half full the last time he had put it out.

Letting his instincts take over again, Yoochun stood and walked to the vanity.

Seeing the wick black and spent, he wasn’t surprised to find the wax warm and unnaturally soft under his touch. But it took all of his composure to keep his nerves in check when the shadow of a man he had only seen once before lurked into the view of the mirror.

“You forgot to check your closet,” mocked the man behind him. “Impressive by the way. It is abnormally organized for a man who likes to pile dirty clothes and comic books under his bed.”

Silently scolding his oversight, Yoochun turned to face the man who leaned against the closet’s doorway, arms crossed and familiar smirk firmly in place. This time, it was easier to make out his features. The con’s hair was much lighter now, obviously blonde; his eyes were a burnt amber that even in the dim lighting shone bright against a fair complexion; and his high ridged nose and edged jaw were the only strong angles obvious against the softness of the man’s other features.

Clad in fashionable black-trousers, knit and a coat in view-the man was breath taking. Much like before, Yoochun nearly slapped himself for admiring the flighty crook.

“You are a curious man, Park Yoochun. Who keeps an expansive place like this if they do not intend to make use of it? I could have sworn you and your office partner would at least have few escapades here with it being so close to headquarters and now that your brother is gone.”

“You’ve been watching me,” Yoochun pointed out, careful not to show any signs of panic.

The other man smiled, unfolding his arms to use them as he spoke. “Naturally,” he said. “As matter of fairness.”

“I’m not a criminal,” Yoochun found himself justifying.

Laughing, the con man drew closer. “I guess, if I were you I would see it that way too. But you cannot quite prove I am a criminal either, can you?”

Yoochun wasted no time. He took a step back and reached for his gun, only to belatedly remember his weapons had been confiscated upon his suspension. In a matter of seconds, the other man had him backed up against the vanity and Yoochun responded the only way he could.

The first punch landed on the con man’s stomach and the second just barely missed his chin. Yoochun was fast but he soon found the other man was stronger, when an equally practiced blow hit his ribs causing him to stumble. Then when he tried for a few more punches, they were easily evaded or blocked. So much so, Yoochun wondered if the other man wasn’t just humoring him. So instead, he crouched low, extended his leg and swung it.

The con man fell to the floor with hardly a thud.

With not much time to run, Yoochun headed straight for the stand near his bed, hoping the gun he kept there had not been found.

To his relief, it was still there.

“Don’t move!” Yoochun said pointing his weapon.

The other man obeyed, stopping a few feet away.

“If you intend to kill me, you should know I won’t make it easy for you,” Yoochun warned.

Much like he had done before in amusement, the con man crossed his arms and smiled. “I am not here to kill you, Yoochun.”

“It’s agent Park, to you.”

“Very well. Agent Park,” the other amended.

“Then what do you want?” Yoochun asked, growing more and more uneasy. “Why was the man so bloody calm?” he thought to himself.

“I was hoping you could help me,” the con man said.

“What makes you think I would do that? Who would help a man who won’t even give his name?”

“I will give you my name, if you wish. However, I do expect something of equal value in return,” the con explained.

Yoochun scoffed. “What? Are you insinuating your name is worth more than my help?”

“Imagine what you could do with my name, agent Park-” the con man said with a shrugged, “-then tell me again how that is not true. Now, why not put down the weapon so we may talk, mhm? We both know you are not going to shoot me.”

“What makes you think I won’t?” Yoochun threatened.

“Two reasons. One. I saved your life and as suspicious of me as you may be, it bothers you enough to not act impulsively against me. Two. You cannot fire at anyone without bullets.”

It was true. As a symptom if his fixation with work, Yoochun had never gotten around to buying proper ammunition for the neglected weapon. He always had the ones from work to carry, anyway. And now, he regretted it.

“I will not hurt you. I promise. At least, not in any way you refuse to give consent too,” the con man informed, leering. It made Yoochun nervous so he chose to ignore it as he put away the gun and added a bit more distance between them.

Yoochun was trying hard to keep a hold of his reason. Maybe it was the slow churning of exhaustion numbing several parts of his brain or maybe, it was the keen attention of the man’s sultry eyes. But Yoochun soon realized, he had very little fight left in him.

“I’m too tired for this,” Yoochun groaned, only vaguely aware of the other man’s response.

“How about some tea? You appear to need it,” the con man suggested.

“I doubt there is anything remotely edible in the pantry, let alone anything to drink.” Yoochun began talking to himself. “Ugh! This can’t be real. A crook is asking me to have tea and trying to be friendly! This day just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?”

“Jay. You can call me Jay,” the other man said. Yoochun frowned. Cause for Jay to show visible confusion. “I would have thought knowing who I am would make you happy,” he said.

“You gave me A NAME. That doesn’t tell me who you are or what the heck you want. Now will you get on with it? You are standing between me and my bed and a whole lot of relaxation. So if you’re not going to attack me, let’s get this over with.”

Finally growing more serious Jay drew closer to Yoochun, enclosing the other man against the small drawer and himself, much like he had done just minutes before. “I said I would not kill you. I hardly said I would not attack you,” he reminded.

Jay moved until Yoochun stumbled, practically siting on the frail wooden structure. “Bwoah?” he stuttered.

“I really did JUST need your help. But now, it appears that you need mine,” Jay crooned into Yoochun’s ear.

“Are you-are you fucking serious?” Yoochun meant to say rebuke a lot louder than it came out.

He was about ready to freak out. But then Jay’s hand settled on his arm and slid up to his shoulder until it found bare skin. Then a silken flutter aimed for his throat and Yoochun found letting his head fall back was all too easy when curious fingers outlined the bone of his collar and began undoing the buttons down his torso, intentionally grazing his skin.

For a brief moment, Yoochun wondered where Jay’s other hand was, but all too soon fluttering kisses turned wet and his mind could focus on nothing more. He would definitely have to justify those marks later though.

Yoochun knew he was making sounds he would be embarrassed to admit to. He could hear himself with every new touch of lips. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much he could do about it. The warmth teasing just over his pelvis lingered, promising to dip even lower and he wasn’t sure he wanted it to stop once it began tracing along the hem of his trousers, probing, testing, and waiting for him to protest.

When none came, it was only a matter of seconds before that barrier was pulled apart.

“Agent Park” Jay whispered, relieving some of the pressure off Yoochun’s throat. “Your skin is unusually rough for a man who keeps bath oils handy.” He smiled, pulling away even further so that his mouth aligned with Yoochun’s. “You need to get out of your office more. Fatigue does not suit you.”

Knowing he probably should have been paying more attention to what the con man said, Yoochun tried hard to make sense of the words that threatened to stun his tongue. However, it seemed that it was too late. His ears drummed against his skull and all he made out were sounds the butterflies in his stomach wanted to dance to. By the time Jay claimed his mouth, he as all too eager to melt into the kiss.

The contact burned, it burned so sweetly Yoochun never wanted it to end.

Jay was good with is hands. He knew how to touch so any spot he teased tingled. He also knew how to kiss, how to explore Yoochun’s mouth and taste Yoochun’s tongue so that he surrendered like a man who yearned for no other pleasure. When Jay finally let him breathe, his body slumped, holding on to dear life.

But the sweet torture was just beginning.

Wayward kisses traveled lower, down the dip of his chest and the smoothness of his belly until Jay’s naughty tongue was centimeters from his groin. If he had been confident enough his legs could keep sufficient tension to hold himself up, he would have let go of the hard grip he had on the wooden surface and taken it to the blonde man’s soft looking mane like his fingers desired. It became clear though that as long as the other man was determined to turn him into a begging pile of mush, his grip would have to stick for as long it possibly could.

Impossibly smooth skin suddenly pushed against his cock and Yoochun was forced to look down. Jay was smiling, looking up at him as he nuzzled against the hardened length. Yoochun took in as much air as he was allowed, meaning to question the man out loud. But once again, Jay was far ahead.

The skilled con man began with short sucking kisses around Yoochun’s length, traveling even lower to his sack. When the kisses were replaced by a seemingly practiced hand, Yoochun barely had enough mind to watch as Jay closed his mouth around his crown.

Yunho wasn’t one to give blow jobs. He was one for taunting and fucking. Good fucking. But only fucking. To say it had been too damn long was an understatement. Dreams of imaginary handsome and pretty mouthed deviants had nothing on the hold the beautiful con man currently had on him.

“Oh gods help me!” Yoochun gasped.

Jay only laughed, tongue still toying with the sensitive slit trapped under his care.

A fire Yoochun didn’t know he carried suddenly erupted from within him, just barely missing Jay’s deceptively delicate form. How he knew when to move, Yoochun didn’t know. Nor did he care. He was barely aware he was being moved until soft cushioned sheets wrapped around him before he numbed and exhaustion took over.


Spiced chai. Heavy on the cinnamon. The scent of tea was the first thing Yoochun’s waking thoughts deliberated on long before his eyes even opened. When he realized it wasn’t a figment of dreams, he jumped.

Yoochun was on his bed, still dressed in his work clothes but feeling noticeably relaxed. Then vague images of the night before came back to him and the stress of the last few weeks returned with a vengeance. He immediately stood and followed the aroma to the kitchen.

Looking every bit the stunner Yoochun remembered, the con man or Jay as he made himself known, stood by the stove as he poured the rich brew into two mugs. “I thought you might need a bit of caffeine. Uncanny really. Even with a stranger on your bed, you barely stirred,” Jay informed.

“You-you slept-” Yoochun began.

“Why would I waste a perfectly good spot next to you?” the other returned, offering one of the mugs.

Slightly outraged, it took Yoochun a moment to spot Jay’s lascivious once over, reminding him that he had slept just as the man had left him; collared shirt and trousers wide open. He prayed to some unknown deity that his embarrassment didn’t show. But the half smirk appearing behind Yoochun’s favorite mug told him his prayers were in vain.

“I imagine you still feel a bit worn-out. One night of sleep when you have not had many before is hardly enough. Hence, I have taken the liberty of preparing a warm bath for you. We can talk when you are ready.”

The man made no room for questions. Jay forcibly turned Yoochun and pushed him back into the bedroom.

Yoochun couldn’t really resist.

Unfortunately, once in the water, Yoochun was all too aware that there was another person under the same roof, making it was almost impossible to relax. Not for lack of want. However, it was hard to push off the memory of the con man’s perfect lips and clever hands; and it was even harder to not let it turn up his senses, his other wants.

One thing Yoochun knew, he definitely wanted Jay near him again.

Checking to see if he had locked it, he turned to the door before bending his knees until they rose above the water. Taking advantage of oil-rich pool, he then reached between his legs with one hand, the other exploring where he remembered Jay’s had lingered.

Mimicking the way Jay had touched him was not easy. In fact, it proved nearly impossible and Yoochun growled in frustration. So he decided to try for something a little more imaginary.

He moved the hand teasing his length forward, helping his long fingers reach the furled skin already throbbing with want, waiting for his attention. Pushing his finger past the tight ring was easy, keeping Jay’s name from leaving his tongue imagining it was the beautiful crook who toyed with him was not. In fact, he wasn’t entirely sure he tried with any success.

The heat soon began to build, slowly churning between his legs and burning up to his gut in waves. Anxious for quick release he stopped teasing, pushing in another finger before beginning to pump his cock again. Excited from the even rhythm, Yoochun hummed audibly.

However, intruding images of Jay’s lips and hands on is skin made him falter and the burn began to grow cold before the pleasure exploded. He tried and tried to focus on the feel he wanted. Failing.

His release came slowly. It was enough to put off his need, though he suspected, not for long.

Giving up, Yoochun stretched for his robe and walked out in search of more appropriate wear when he realized he had forgotten to prepare any. Amidst the haste, he didn’t notice Jay sitting on the bed until he was halfway to the closet.

“All better?” Jay asked, looking suspiciously composed.

“Uh-Yes. Thank you,” Yoochun managed. “Would you mind? I need to get dressed.”

Jay’s head cocked, looking pensive. Five unbearable seconds past before he moved again and stood with a grace Yoochun envied. Visibly distracted, he didn’t notice the other man walk straight to him until it was too late.

Jay took a hold of his arm and caught him from around the waist when Yoochun tried to back away. There was only a moment of pause-where Jay’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his mouth-before he effectively claimed Yoochun’s lips.

Resisting was futile. They both knew it. Crushing his conscience, Yoochun easily welcomed the lure of lust in the other’s kiss with fervor. When his arm was freed he cupped Jay’s nape to keep him close. Jay didn’t need any more assurance than that. Even as their tongues danced, his fingers moved quickly; ridding Yoochun of the robe that covered him and any surviving thought to resist his seduction. Similarly, Yoochun tugged on Jay’s shirt, silently pleading for more palpable warmth. Jay readily complied.

They paced without much direction until finally, Jay was able to lead them toward the bed. One too-hard push from Yoochun was all it took to have them both tumbling down.

Yoochun’s world spun, several times. Jay was not one to give up control easily and Yoochun was having too much fun pretending he wouldn’t either. He loved how it made Jay’s kisses a little rough and his touch insistent. Anxious for more skin, Yoochun pushed Jay unto his back and quickly tugged off the Jay’s pants and wasn’t surprised to found nothing under.

“The difference a little rest can make” Jay said with a laugh, clearly amused.

Yoochun smiled as he moved to straddle the man under him. He was not sure what he looked like to Jay as he positioned himself so their cocks touched before bending over to beg for a kiss. But he didn’t care. He was far too lost in Jay’s trap.

Jay denied him the kiss only long enough so he could sit up and cradle Yoochun against him to help them explore each other and allowing only a few moments at a time to breathe. But as desperate as Yoochun was to keep their mouths together, Jay was desperate to taste everywhere else.

When Yoochun attempted to complain, strong fingers suddenly snuck through his hair, struggling to find a good grip. Yoochun’s hair was too short. It hurt. It hurt a lot when Jay pulled his head back. But then lips wrapped around the swell of his throat and sucked.

“You taste like brown sugar and vanilla” Jay mused, letting his tongue indulge.

“Your fault,” Yoochun barely managed, curving his body against the other.

Pulling away, Jay laughed.

In response, Yoochun growled.

“Keep doing that and I may develop a fetish for it,” Jay warned.

Confused, Yoochun pushed away, almost separating the contact between their bodies. Jay didn’t explain. Instead, he pushed Yoochun onto his back and slithered off the bed. Despite Yoochun’s protest, Jay only smiled as he disappeared behind the bathroom door.

“Tell me agent Park, why do you keep bath oils if not for your bath?” Jay asked when he reappeared with two glass bottles and a strip of condoms in hand.

Yoochun propped himself up on his elbows, conspicuously following the other’s movements silently. Jay didn’t really seem to need an answer though. The con man’s predatory leer was back and that was all it took for Yoochun’s defiant stance to vaporize, leaving behind only lust.

Bottles still under his grip Jay sat next to Yoochun, facing him. He wasted no time leaning over and hovering close, almost of as if reaching only for the other’s scent. Having the opportunity, Yoochun contemplated him, for once not pushing for any contact though his want was surely obvious.

The pause was brief. Only a moment, only enough to remind Yoochun of how crazy the whole thing was and of how much he didn’t care. The next kiss was the most leisurely yet, enjoyable and noticeably warm. Yoochun wanted to tug the other man close and keep him there. But Jay had other plans.

Yoochun watched as Jay opened one of the bottles and spread it between his fingers. Soon the sweet scent of brown sugar circled around them as slick fingers traced up the inner part of his thigh with less than a gentle pressure. It should have been too awkward to follow but Yoochun couldn’t look away, despite being aware that the other never took his eyes off his.

Pales fingers continued past the curves of Yoochun’s thighs and onto the flat planes above his groin before finally reaching to wrap around his excited length. Jumping, Yoochun finally looked up. As he suspected, Jay watched him, not letting his attentions waver. He didn’t even seem to blink, making Yoochun’s heat rise.

Eventually, Yoochun lost the game. He let his head fall back onto the headrest and closed his eyes, taking in the pressure around his length which soon fell around his sack before fingers begun to probe into his crevice with noticeable force. Consequently, Yoochun parted his legs to offer more access. A movement Jay took as a sign to move things a little faster.

It wasn’t long before Jay crawled up the bed, lips fluttering up Yoochun’s torso as he parted his fingers inside Yoochun. “I like the way you cry for me, Agent Park” he said against the tender nub surrounded by black ink that ran across Yoochun’s left peck. “Even more, I like the way you don’t even seem to realize you are crying, begging me with sweet throaty pleas.”

Jay was right. Yoochun hadn’t realized he had been. He was barely aware that his body undulated against the other whenever hot tingling flames sparked against his skin with every kiss and deep touch the other offered.

“You are a most interesting man, Park Yoochun,” Jay insisted as he moved up the bed. “I cannot take my eyes off you.”

Aligning his body with Yoochun’s meant he no longer had a good reach between the other’s thighs. Yoochun complained, practically growling when the intimate touch left him completely.

“YOU seem to have an interesting fixation with my name,” Yoochun accused.

Jay laughed, not at all fazed by Yoochun’s growing annoyance. “It would appear that way, wouldn’t it?”

Unfortunately, Jay didn’t realize his teasing allowed for Yoochun to think.

“What exactly do you want from me?” Yoochun demanded, palms pushing against Jay’s chest to force space between them. Jay waved his hips, gently frotting against the other. Yoochun’s body shook but he wasn’t ready to give up and refused to let their upper bodies meet. “What do you want?” he repeated.

Jay’s head cocked before he replied. “I would imagine it is obvious,” he teased.

“Don’t toy with me,” Yoochun warned.

“Oh, I plan to do a lot more than that,” Jay assured with a smile.

Jay pushed up, allowing him to place a firm grip over Yoochun’s hips and easily position the other’s rear over his thighs until he was satisfied with the angle.

Yoochun gasped, finding it hard to breathe when Jay cupped the back of his knee and pulled it up until it hooked over his shoulder. Instinctively he pushed against the other man, fighting for more comfortable leverage. But then Jay’s long, hard and too-hot length pushed into him and nothing needed to make sense anymore. His body arched, not caring that one leg was stretched far beyond its limit as Jay’s body fell over his.

The first thrusts were slow and deep. Yoochun’s protests died below his throat when Jay pushed against something too sensitive to ignore.

Not taking any chances, Jay eventually anchored Yoochun’s arms above his head with a firm grip to let his thrusts quicken with more ease.

Yoochun’s cock was soon burning, begging for contact. However, either by sheer neglect or sheer will power, Jay refused to give it. Complaining, Yoochun maneuvered his legs until they wrapped around Jay’s waist so he could more easily feel the friction he desired. But it was a difficult feat to keep up.

Almost as if taking pity on him, Jay slowed and moved forward so that every thrust was followed by a wave that trapped Yoochun’s desperate throb between their bodies.

“Jay-” Yoochun panted, “Please.”

Equally out of breath, Jay managed a smile and didn’t think twice about claiming Yoochun’s mouth despite having to stop everything else in the process.

Yoochun was only briefly distracted. “If you don’t fuck me properly within the next minute, I’ll make sure your life is living hell from now on,” he warned.

In response, Jay’s gaze immediately darkened. “Turn around and do not dare touch yourself.”

Yoochun did, concentrating his hold around the pillow he kept under his chin. Behind him, Jay hiked up his leg-opening him-and thrust into Yoochun with a pace that quickened only when their position was secured. Again, their bodies aligned but this time, Jay could easily keep his pace while reaching around Yoochun’s hip to pump his cock with a similar rhythm.

Jay’s body burned against Yoochun’s. Every bit of friction between them sparked flames neither intended to put out any time soon. Instantly, knowing their first release wasn’t nearly enough Jay’s touch and kisses lingered until Yoochun was hard and reddened with need again.

Needing some control, Yoochun pushed upright onto his knees. Though, his body still somewhat struck with pleasured haze gave him no choice but to move forward until he could easily reach for the headrest for support. Jay followed, not allowing their bodies to part, arms strategically wrapping around Yoochun.

“Jay. Faster. I can’t-fuck” Yoochun begged, only to receive a hard bite along his shoulder where only Jay’s tongue previously played.

Something Yoochun found to be absolutely true was that Jay was not one to be easily persuaded. Even if the man managed to pleasure him with every touch and kiss, it frustrated Yoochun to no end. Because despite it all, it was difficult to forget that Jay was merely a stranger and possibly the best possible con Yoochun had ever had to chase; and there he was, giving every bit of control to the man like a shameless rat, letting Jay bruise his body at will.

“Stop,” Jay said with a pause.

“Stop-stop what?” Yoochun breathed.


“I can’t.”

The smile that grew against the tender spot under his nape was obvious and it made Yoochun shudder. He soon realized he was the only one moving, the only one keeping their bodies connected. Not fond of the feeling, he whined-growled-protested. His eyes closed in an attempt to gain some focus. However, they snapped open when familiar silk tugged around his neck.

Jay was using his tie to collar him and the alarm that came of it was difficult to fend off.

“This is a nice tie,” Jay crooned. “It looks even better wrapped around you.”

Yoochun swallowed, his body growing increasingly still. Out of the corner of his eye he saw how Jay wrapped both ends of the tie around his palm, effectively securing a strong hold on the fabric that could choke him in a matter of seconds.

“See how easy it is?” Jay said.

With difficulty, Yoochun tried to speak. “What is?”

“To let your body take over. Our minds are fickle, Agent Park. They can easily be tricked.”

The pressure around Yoochun’s throat remained constant, despite the slight rub the other man’s movement caused. Even so, Yoochun still couldn’t move as he continued to listen.

“You are a man of instinct. You-as you often say-follow your gut. It is a good trait to have,” Jay continued, chin propped at the curve of Yoochun’s shoulder. “Tell me, what does it tell you now?”

“That-you-that you prefer having the lead.”

“Mhm. What else does it tell you?”

Yoochun let his eyes close. The thousand alarms ringing in his head were making him dizzy, particularly as Jay begun to move again, thrusting at an excruciatingly teasing speed. Suddenly, he wasn’t sure what kind of release he wanted more.

“What else does it tell you, Agent Park” the other man insisted.

All Yoochun managed was a barely restrained whine caught behind clenched teeth, cause for Jay to insist again. Having little mind for anything else, Yoochun tried to comply with Jay’s request. “It tells me that-I-I want-”

“What do you want, agent Park?”

Yoochun swallowed, words finally firm against his tongue. “I want you. That I don’t want you to stop.”

Jay kissed the side of Yoochun’s jaw before sliding his free hand down to Yoochun’s cock, clasping with purpose. Taking it as a request, Yoochun turned his head so Jay’s lips reached his.


Yunho’s I told you so already echoed through Yoochun’s mind as he inspected his wrists, huffing. Explaining the red scuffs that wrapped around them and the blushing bite marks that randomly adorned his body-including a spot too high to hide under a collar-was going to be difficult to explain. But not as difficult as explaining how much he liked it. Having spent most of their affair resisting most of Yunho’s adventurous persuasions, Yunho was not going to let him live this down easily.

“I was not lying. I do need your help,” Jay assured from next him, sheets only covering his lower half.

Momentarily forgetting the embarrassment of he felt over his exposed body, Yoochun propped himself against the bed’s headrest. “Why me?” Yoochun asked confused.

“Because you are the only one in your team who cares more about cause than consequence.”

“How could you possibly-”

“I have been profiling you and your agents for months. It did not take long to figure out. Your team is more interested in following orders than solving the puzzle. They only want to catch me, the so called crook. However, you-you are different Agent Park. I have seen the way you work, the way to investigate and memorize every detail of every case. Admirable traits, in my book. Useful, in fact.”

Yoochun tried not to show the sudden chill running down his spine. “Who are you?” he nearly whispered.

“Jay Kim of the Austrian secret service,” the other declared. “I have been on assignment in South Korea for almost two years.”

“Doing what?”

“Investigating the embezzlement of precious historical artifacts from our country into yours. It appears that several covert companies used their shipping services to transport the artifacts here before initiating ransom demands.”

“I don’t understand. Then why aren’t you just working with us instead of sneaking around like a crook?”

“Because our line of suspects include those with very close ties to the Korean secret service.”

“How close?”

“Former trust fund persons close.”


That was definitely problematic.


“I can’t believe it. Our own commanders!” Yunho gasped, watching as his former chief and his second in command were handcuffed and pushed into a van.

“Believe it” Yoochun said, doing the same.

Yunho was about to question him again when a beautifully blond and familiar figure approached them, offering his hand. “Gentlemen, on behalf of the Austrian secret service, I thank you for your cooperation. We could not have gathered definitive evidence without you.”

“Our pleasure” Yunho stuttered, clearly awed by the man.

“As a matter of courtesy, my partner and I will remain in Korea until the case is officially closed. We will try to help as much as possible-” Jay continued, not taking his eyes off Yoochun. “-if you allow it, Agent Park.”

“Of course.”

“Is your partner also fluent in Korean?” Yunho had the mind to ask.

“German, Korean, Japanese and English” Jay informed monotonously.

“And French! Why do you always forget French?!” said a voice approaching them. “Max Shim, at your service.”

Jay visibly ignored him.

Yoochun laughed. “Well, welcome to our headquarters. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.”

Jay’s gaze burned with a silent plea meant only for Yoochun to notice. However, by the way the other two surreptitiously tried to step away from them, it appeared their secret was not so secret. Jay didn’t seem to notice, or care. Despite their audience, the man easily closed the gap between them until he was close enough to reach for Yoochun’s tie with careful attention.

“Must you be taught how to set a tie properly, Agent Park” Jay asked, lips dangerously close to Yoochun’s cheek.

“I think so. It’s a bit tricky for me.” Yoochun said with a smile.

Jay’s smirk promised more than Yoochun thought he could handle. “Perhaps you just need a little help. Practice is key.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Great. I’ll see you soon, Agent Park” Jay said before flattening the flaps of Yoochun’s collar and turning away.

“Yeah. Soon,” Yoochun said to no one.

fic: agent, pairing: jaechun/chunjae

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