Crystal Blue 1/1

May 22, 2016 15:46

Title: Crystal Blue
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun, Yoochun/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut
Warning: There is not much of a plot here. OTL.
Summary: Jaejoong nearly drowns. Yoochun saves him.

A/N: Again, there is not much of a plot. Just getting back into the swing of things.

[For this story: Blonde JJ & Long-haired Chun]
“Fuck you, Junsu!” Jaejoong shouted to the seas as he stomped along the pier. “Three fucking years! THREE! And all I get is a fucking sorry. WELL GUESS WHAT?! I DON’T BELIE-AHHH!”

The water was a clear crystal blue, raging and cold as hell. It took Jaejoong only seconds to swim back up but even then, it was too late. His body had begun to shake and his mouth along with it, too much for him to scream for help. However, just as he started sinking again a tight grip took hold of his arm and began pulling him up. Whoever the man was, he could not tell. Only that the long lean arms that wrapped around him and the hard chest that cradled his back could not have been anyone other than a man.

Feeling numb, Jaejoong gave up. He only felt as the other pushed them through the rough waves until finally they were crawling up the stone steps alone the beach. It was not a short swim. Last he had seen the beach had been a half hour ago, shortly before finding the bridge that ran along the cliffs.

“Are you crazy? That bridge is a hundred years old!” shouted the man as soon as he was able.

Jaejoong coughed, barely hearing the reprimand. All he wanted was a dunk in hot water and a soft cozy blanket keeping his body warm as he sat by a campfire.

“Damn,” the man cursed getting Jaejoong’s attention.

Through chattering teeth, Jaejoong managed a question. “What is it?”

“My wallet and cell phone are on the other side,” the stranger explained. “I took them out of my pockets before jumping in.”

“FUCK! OH, NO! FUCK ME!” Jaejoong whined taking said items out of his pockets. “Ugh! I just got this phone.”

When he heard no response, Jaejoong turned to the stranger and even though most of the man’s gaze remained covered by wet hair, the amusement in it became obvious shortly before he burst into laughter.

“It’s not funny,” Jaejoong nearly growled.

“If only you could see yourself right now,” the other said. “You almost died out there, you know. That thing should be the least of your worries.”

The cold made it difficult but Jaejoong stood with a huff. “Whatever, man. You’re not that much better off.”


“Do you have a car?” Jaejoong asked suddenly.


“I will get your wallet if you take me back to camp. It is about thirty minutes down the coast.”

“Camp? Around here? In this weather?” that man asked surprised. “The spring winds will never let you sleep.”

“Shut up. Just say you’ll do it.”

“I suppose I could.”

Without another word, Jaejoong turned back in the direction they came and did as he promised. Ten minutes later, he was at the parking lot closest to the harbor. Finding the stranger that saved his life was not difficult. The man stood outside his truck with his dark shoulder-length hair still stuck to his neck and standing as if his clothes were not dripping wet against his pale skin while smoking a cigarette. Admiring the man’s form, Jaejoong could not help but notice the jutted collar far above his black V-neck.

“That was quick. Did you run?” the man asked looking up, exposing another detail Jaejoong had previously missed.

The man’s eyes were a crystal blue color he had never seen on anyone before, especially not someone who otherwise resembled a Korean native.

“I’m good at it,” Jaejoong replied with difficulty without missing the obvious appraisal of the other. He suddenly became aware that having removed his sweater, he stood in a thin white shirt and ripped jeans that left very little to the imagination.

“I bet.”

Deciding he liked the stranger’s voice laced in smoke, Jaejoong smiled. “Kim Jaejoong,” he said extending his hand. “Thank you for saving my life. I owe you.”

“Park Yoochun. It was no trouble. Except for the whole getting soaked bit but I have a nice hotel room with a hot tub waiting for me. I’ll live.”


“More like, well planned.”


Keeping their eyes locked, Yoochun didn't waver. “Want to join me?” he asked.

Surprised at the sudden invitation Jaejoong paused, waiting for the other to say he was kidding. However, no such admission came. Instead, Yoochun kept smoking his cigarette and watched him think without saying another word.

“You’re serious,” Jaejoong decided, thinking the man must have recognized him.

Obviously feeling smug, Yoochun smiled, tilting his head before freeing his mouth. “Absolutely,” he assured.

Even so, Jaejoong did not move and Yoochun did not push on. Instead, he dropped the half-spent cylinder and walked around to the passenger’s side to open the door. “Hop on. We’ll go wherever you want to go.”

“A hot tub does sound like a good idea,” Jaejoong said once they were both in the car.

“Ideal, really. Do not feel pressured just because I jumped in for you though. There were other people around and I was the closest. I would have looked like an ass if I hadn’t jumped in first.”

Jaejoong laughed. “Let’s go. I’m freezing.”

When Yoochun said a nice hotel room, Jaejoong expected a decent sized bed with western style bathroom that housed the claimed hot tub in one of Jeongdongjin’s seaside motels. The area had many and though not abundantly glamorous, they were a step up from the camp he had set up a few miles from civilization. He did not expect the presidential suite on the town’s only resort-structured like a cruise ship-atop of a massive cliff overlooking the coastline.

A knock on the door snapped him out of his daze before Jaejoong realized he had not said a word since they entered.

“Sir, the extra robes you requested. Your dinner will be brought up shortly,” said the man at the door.

“Thank you.”

“Have a good night, Sir.”

“This is some room,” Jaejoong finally said when they were alone again.

Yoochun shrugged, lighting up another cigarette. “Do you mind?” he asked.

Jaejoong shook head. “I’m assuming that’s for me?” he then asked pointing to one of the robes.

“Yeah. If you are in a hurry, we can send our clothes to be dried-off. But you might want to have a look beyond the entertainment room before you make up your mind.”

Jaejoong did and found that the living area and kitchenette were nothing compared to the lavish set up of the bedroom; which housed a larger than life bed, another sitting area, a walk-in closet and the most prolific bathroom he had ever seen; complete with dual sinks, a hot tub and a separate sauna style shower. The décor was in the best taste and the sheer expanse of it all, fit for luxury at its finest.

“Impressed?” Yoochun asked coming into the room.

Disappointed to see that other had already changed into a robe that covered far too much skin, Jaejoong only nodded. “Good. Dinner is here,” he said giving Jaejoong his robe. “You can hang your clothes near the fireplace. It’s too windy to put them out in the balcony.”

“Thanks,” Jaejoong said already taking off his shirt.

“Take your time.”

Jaejoong did not.


Jaejoong awed over the amount of empty plates before them. Even with a perfectly good dining area, they had decided to sit around the coffee table and enjoy their meal over small talk on plush fine cotton sofas.

To his delight, Yoochun was easy to talk to and even easier to amuse, particularly around the subject of food and music from which the man often grew animated. Enthralled, Jaejoong found it difficult to look away because the man who called himself Park Yoochun was definitely his type. That is, the type to be bold, cute and unpredictably handsome in an odd sort of way; a dichotomy he figured depended on the man’s mood. Whatever the dynamic, it won over his attention.

“I can’t believe I just ate all that,” Jaejoong finally said, resting his back on the sofa.

“Just? We have been eating for the last hour. Just-is an understatement.”

“Shut up. It’s still a lot of food even for an hour’s worth but to be honest, if another meal like this came in the next ten minutes, I’d probably still eat it. That was the best seafood course of my life!”

The sound that escaped Yoochun’s mouth was something akin to a snort, a happy one-or a cocky one. Jaejoong was not sure. What he was certain of was that Yoochun had a very distinct way of expressing himself that often was obvious before the man even uttered a word and Jaejoong found, he very much liked it. And those eyes, the way those eyes bore into Jaejoong’s soul, though unnerving, proved even more difficult to look away from.

“This is nothing,” Yoochun declared proudly, rubbing his flat stomach like the belly of a Buddha. “You should see me on holidays.”

Jaejoong had attempted not to laugh again in vain. Yoochun did not miss his aberration and quickly called attention to it. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing. It’s just you are not the man I thought you would be,” Jaejoong said. “You’re not what I expected at all.”

Losing his smile, Yoochun straightened, shoulders growing stiff as his formerly languid form took on a more graceful pose. “And what did you expect, exactly?” he asked.

“I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I just meant that you gave a different first impression.”

Noticing the sudden rigidness of other’s voice Jaejoong grew flustered.

“Did I?” Yoochun continued.

“I mean-you were just so-I don’t know. I’m sorry. Forget what I said.”

“Impossible.” Yoochun insisted, almost comically. “Now you have to explain.”

Charmed, Jaejoong had little choice. “Ugh. It’s just that when we met you were all suave and smooth lines and trying to seduce me but right now-your more like-the chill dude next door who comes over for dinner every day because why not a second dinner, you know?-Errr-something like that. I’m not making much sense can we just-.” Jaejoong suddenly stopped, losing all coherent speech when he caught Yoochun down the last of his brandy, making Jaejoong focus on the man’s protruding Adam’s apple as it pushed the liquid down his throat long enough to miss when Yoochun stood and began walking toward him.

All too soon, Yoochun was standing only inches away, side smile firmly in place and lashes fluttering only on that perfect moment when Jaejoong’s didn’t.

There was a pause between them, a moment of silent questions and silent answers, from which only one had to be uttered as Yoochun came close enough to rest his hand on the backrest just over Jaejoong’s shoulder. “How about now?” Yoochun asked, dropping his voice.


“Mhm. Am I seducing you now?”

This time it was Jaejoong’s turn to surprise and did not hesitate to push forward slowly, slow enough to catch the breath the other let out as they parted their lips, readying themselves for the onslaught of forbidden kisses they both longed for. Instead, Jaejoong stopped just a centimeter short and traced the man’s full bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. “What do YOU think?” he asked with a growing smile before taking that tempting lip between his for a short but eager kiss.

When they pulled apart, Yoochun did not answer, only placed a steady grip over Jaejoong’s shoulders and straddled his lap to lean closer for another kiss.

Jaejoong could feel the need grow between them. Soon his touch searched beyond clothed illusions and snuck under the other’s robe, grazing over a pert nipple and making Yoochun moan into his mouth as both their bodies shook. Liking the sound, Jaejoong took his kisses to the hollow over Yoochun’s collar, teasing without mercy if only to hear the man’s voice again. Predictably, Yoochun exposed his neck; inviting, wanting, waiting for the attentions which Jaejoong so readily gave. Kissing up the line of the man’s throat until his tongue touched the hard swell that had stolen much of his attention every time Yoochun spoke or laughed, Jaejoong felt his own body respond with equal fervor.

With a desperate grip, Yoochun pulled him closer, anchoring his hold around Jaejoong’s nape and hair with almost enough strength to strangle; until the grind against Jaejoong’s lap grew unbearable and wanting for more friction he moved, turning his body so either could easily push the other against the sofa.

He did not have to wait or contemplate long. In an instant, Yoochun had Jaejoong on his back with his body fully exposed. “Gods, you’re so beautiful. So damn perfect. How are you this perfect!?” Yoochun complimented.

Slightly embarrassed, Jaejoong only laughed. “Mostly weights and running” he said, trying to calm himself.

“It’s definitely working,” Yoochun assured with boyish glee. “And I love the ink” he added, gently tracing the intricate snake tattoo that coiled from Jaejoong’s right shoulder, down to the peck and the underside of his left rib.


“I have always wanted one. I never really had the opportunity though,” Yoochun said as he removed his robe and aligned their bodies with an effortless wave.

Jaejoong moaned, arching into the other. “Oh yeah? I know a great pl-FUCK-that-feels-good,” he let out when Yoochun grinded harder against him.

Hands firmly on Jaejoong’s chest and hips denying any possible loss of contact, Yoochun’s voice faltered. “My ex was a prick. Didn’t like them,” he managed. “Or boats.”

“Ah fuck! Don’t stop!” Jaejoong begged, only half listening over their desperate attempts to breathe.

Despite Jaejoong’s pleas, Yoochun did stop long enough to steal another kiss, a deep and languid kiss before his lips trailed down Jaejoong’s torso until he came to his cock.

At first, Yoochun did not tease. He swallowed Jaejoong whole with ease and only paused to keep the drag slow as he emptied his mouth. Jaejoong cried out, fingers tightening around Yoochun’s hair when his back shot up as if a thousand bolts of pure bliss had shocked his body. “Your-mouth-god-I love your mouth,” he managed through ragged breathing.

“That’s not all, I hope” Yoochun replied while teasing around his hardened length with short kisses.

As much as Jaejoong usually took pleasure in torture, he currently had little patience for the other man’s antics. His need raged as his body burned hotter and hotter. All he wanted was to set ablaze the place with Yoochun’s scream.

Not letting go of the other Jaejoong pushed himself up, pulling Yoochun by the hair until the man knelt between his thighs and their tongues met again. When he had his fill-which without a doubt would be short lived-he took Yoochun by his upper arms and turned him, making him curve over the backrest with his legs spread so Jaejoong could position himself behind him.

“Do you need-” Jaejoong attempted to ask as he kissed up Yoochun’s spine, tasting the salt either had yet to get rid-off.

A hard guttural sound escaped Yoochun’s lips before he interrupted. “NO. Just-I can’t anymore.”

“Can’t what?” Jaejoong mocked, reaching for the small bottle of olive oil behind them, anyway.

“You son of a-AH!”

Jaejoong poured as much of the oil as he could between them, then took hold of Yoochun’s pulsing length before seeking the friction they both yearned for. His pace was immediately forceful but Yoochun did not seem to mind. In fact, Jaejoong found his prediction had been right and reveled in the sound of Yoochun’s bliss roughened croon the moment the rhythm of their hips and his strokes synchronized.


Huddled on the sofa Yoochun lied over Jaejoong, indulging in the feeling of Jaejoong’s soft strokes through his hair.

“You know, a soak in the hot tub still sounds awesome” Jaejoong contemplated.

Yoochun hummed. “Can’t move yet,” he mumbled.

“What if I promise the shampoo experience of your life?”

Skeptical, Yoochun pushed up.

“I’m not lying. These hands have been said to be magic!” Jaejoong promised as he traced Yoochun’s lower lip with the tip of his thumb. He had noticed the man had a habit of biting it.

The kiss that followed was soft, too soft and it ended too quickly. Jaejoong nearly whined when Yoochun stood and disappeared into the bedroom without looking back. He waited only long enough to hear the water run before doing the same.

What welcomed him when he entered the bathroom was nothing short of a fantasy. Even when Yoochun’s back was turned to him, the man’s body lacked imperfection. Of course, having perfect a view of Yoochun’s ass as he bent over the tub to test the water did not hurt either.

“Just wait until you feel the jets in this thing.”

“I rather feel something else,” Jaejoong replied already behind him.

“I chose you well, didn’t I?” Yoochun said with a quick laugh. “But you promised me a massage.”

“Is that what I promised?” Jaejoong asked, motioning to the bath.

Yoochun waited for Jaejoong to sit first before taking his place. Once back to chest, Jaejoong did not waste much time getting his hands on the man again, tracing imaginary lines with orchid scented shampoo until Yoochun was a moaning mess against his fingers, slurring obscenities to the four walls.

“Thank the Buddha I found you! Hol-how-do you-oh man-” Yoochun blundered on.

Jaejoong laughed. “Dunking” he warned before pushing Yoochun forward.

The moments passed mostly in silence until all the suds were gone and Jaejoong was mostly just stroking the other’s hair, mesmerized, caught by the gentle beauty before him.

“I used to be a hairstylist,” he explained when Yoochun settled against him again. “Family business.”

“Used to be?”

“Mhm. That changed a while ago.”


Jaejoong laughed again.

“You really like making fun of me don’t you?” Yoochun asked, crawling to the other side and turning so he could face Jaejoong.

“It’s not that. I promise. It’s just-funny.”

“What is?”

“You really have no idea who I am, do you?”


“Wah! It’s been a while since this has happened,” Jaejoong kept on to himself.

“Oh-hoh. I’m still here!” Yoochun called out.

Letting himself be lured by the man’s leading gaze, Jaejoong crawled toward him. “As if I could forget,” he said.

Time stood still when deep kisses became inevitable. Yoochun’s touch lingered, harsh and needy, but no less considerate than Jaejoong’s which is why when he was pulled onto the other’s lap, Jaejoong did not resist.

“So-who are you?” Yoochun asked when they pulled apart.

“Know those annoying Laneige Homme CFs?” he asked.

Yoochun still drew a blank. “No. Sorry.”

“I can’t say I’m much of a celebrity but I tend to cause a riot since my face is on every Laneige store.”


“About a year ago, modeling on the side turned to a full-time gig. I even quit UNI.”

“UNI, huh? I see. I’m sorry, I don’t really notice those sorts of things. But it makes sense,” Yoochun said, running the tip of his fingers down Jaejoong’s well-formed torso. “It explains the whole-looking perfect bit.”

“What about you?”


“Yeah. How do you explain-” Jaejoong did not go on. Only his roaming eyes offered the compliment his mouth neglected. However, it was enough. Yoochun smiled, wide and pleased, seemingly ready for whatever Jaejoong demanded.

“I could devour you-all night, all day, EVERY day-forever,” Jaejoong said.

This time it was Yoochun’s turn to laugh. “Let’s get through tonight first, dongsaeng.”

“Bwoah? Aish! If we’re from the same year, it doesn’t count.”

“I’m afraid it’s a bit more than that, DONGSAENG” Yoochun repeated. “Oh-hoh! Look at that pout. I’m guessing you’re used to being the hyung, no?”

“Shut up and let me kiss you already.”

Although his tongue more often craved the honeyed taste over Yoochun’s obvious pulse the second he pull away, Jaejoong kissed, sucked and tugged wherever he could; and his fingers just could not leave the man’s silken mane alone, especially when it made the man’s leaden croon vibrate in anticipation.

“Prep me” he begged, taking Yoochun’s hands and placing them over his ass.

Abiding by the command, Yoochun’s fingers moved slowly, taking their time as if following an invisible trail only he could feel. As much as Jaejoong pleaded with desperate kisses and silvery sounds, nothing could hurry him. One. Two. Three. Every stretch came gently.

Growing more eager, Jaejoong lowered his hold until he reached the sensitive area just above Yoochun’s thighs and began to stroke; up, down and around, light touches, and occasional kisses that proved dangerously distracting as he tried to map everything about the man’s beauty, hoping to provoke just a bit more desperation.

“You could be a model too,” he found himself admitting.

“Unn-unlikely” Yoochun struggled to reply, making Jaejoong laugh.

“We should go to the bed.”

“Who needs a bed?!”

Jaejoong smiled widely. “Not me,” he said already positioning himself over Yoochun’s cock. “But before we do this, I need to warn you-”

“You didn’t strike me as the virgin type,” Yoochun joked barely breathing.

“And you would be right. But it’s been a while since I’ve bottomed and I might come the moment I feel you.”

“There’s no rule that says you can only come once, is there? Unless-” Locking eyes, Yoochun grazed the tip of Jaejoong’s cock with his index before cinching the crown with his thumb and middle finger. “-that’s your thing. Then we can easily arrange for punishments.”

“Later. Punish me later. Fuck me first!”


“You’re fucking crazy inviting a stranger to your hotel room. But I’m glad you did,” Jaejoong said, not bothering to cover up as he lied on the bed.

Yoochun did the same. “I’m not the one that jumped into high tide, remember?” he reminded.

“I told you. I was-”

“In the middle of cursing your ex. Right,” Yoochun reminded himself. “Bad break up?”

“Sure. If you fancy calling yourself straight after three years of getting your ass fucked a bad break up, then yeah, bad break up.”

“Denial. Harsh.”

Jaejoong grew quiet, losing himself to the fury that still lingered. Yoochun did not interrupt. Reaching out for a cigarette, he waited until the other spoke again, taking care in appreciating the other’s body for the hundredth time. Fact that Jaejoong only partially noticed this time.

“We’ve fooled around since high school and became official in college,” Jaejoong began. “We even put off military service so we could finish college together while things were good. Next thing I know, he says he is enlisting after graduation and that he-and I quote-has decided to follow a more enlightened path, the one his parents expected him to have. He said he was confused and that he has never believed he was gay.”

“He broke up with you because of his parents?”

“He dumped me because he’s a coward. His parents are just an excuse.”

“Three years is a long time to end in excuses.”

“Yeah, it is. Long enough to fuck his ass and know he will never be happy with nothing short of a dick," Jaejoong growled. "But enough about me. I have to ask, how is it that you have blue eyes?” he asked finally facing Yoochun. “They are like-the blue I fell into.”

Jaejoong reached out slowly, cupping the side of Yoochun’s face with as tender a touch as he could manage; almost as if afraid an illusion would shatter.

Yoochun moved into the touch, struggling to keep his eyes open. “It’s genetic,” he said. “My mom has them too and so does my brother.”

“So, she’s not Korean?”

Pulling back, Yoochun shrugged. “A hundred percent, as far as we know. It can happen. It’s rare. But it’s possible.”

“Does it bother you that people might assume otherwise? I’d imagine it’s tough.”

“I stopped caring what people think of me a long time ago.”

Again, another pause endured, and again, it was far from awkward. In the last couple of hours, silences fell naturally between them, almost to the extent of them feeling comfortably familiar, like an unspoken rule for allowing them the time they needed to pull themselves from the past and back to the moment where they could enjoy the thrill of their kiss.

Yoochun was very good at kissing, Jaejoong thought. Usually the first one to incite their union, Jaejoong found he really liked the man’s patience and he liked that Park Yoochun did not push, he lured; tempting him with fluttering kisses and complimenting with appreciative sounds that drove Jaejoong mad with want all before their kisses turned deep.

Trying to remind himself that he needed to breathe, Jaejoong let him go. “People used to make fun of me when I was younger. Before I started working out, I was always confused for a girl,” he let out.

Yoochun’s hand snuck lower, “Mhm. You’re definitely not a girl.” He pushed closer so that his excitement showed. “Who was it that suggested doing it on a bed earlier?”

Jaejoong grinned before quickly reversing their positions so that Yoochun fell on his back with a humph. “It’s my turn.”

“You should look in my suitcase,” Yoochun said without resisting.

“It’s a little late to start using condoms now, isn’t it?”

“Trust me. Go.”

Not having much of a reason to object, Jaejoong obeyed, opening the box only as he entered the room again. “Oh. I see. Well prepared, are we?”

Yoochun smiled wide in return. “You choose.”

“I was thinking I should be punished. But now, I’m more in the mood to torture. How ‘bout it?” Jaejoong asked, pulling out lube, a vibrating cock ring and anal plug.

“No restraints? There’s a few in there,” the other asked looking tremendously amused.

“No. I rather you touch me.”

Crawling toward Yoochun, Jaejoong stopped by the man’s feet and used his hard-earned strength to drag him down by the ankles so Jaejoong could easily crawl over him. He smiled as he moved closer, running his fingers through the man’s hair before claiming another kiss.

“I don’t know if I can keep up with you,” Yoochun admitted, feeling overwhelmed by other’s impulses.

“I take a little getting used to but you’ll love it.”

“That’s what scares me. I already do.”


Kissing down the man’s chest, abs and around the jutting hip, Jaejoong slipped the ring around Yoochun’s cock, making sure he did not turn it on yet. Then, in a swift movement, he took one of Yoochun’s long legs and with some leverage used it to turn him around. Yoochun was not expecting it. However, it was not difficult to manage, especially when the man was already clouded with lust.

“Up. Stay on all fours,” Jaejoong said.

Except for a thin silver scar running from his mid back to just below his hip, Yoochun’s skin was flawless. A little on the pale side, mostly smooth and deceptively youthful, it showed all the signs of being well taken care of, perhaps a little too much.

Jaejoong knew what it took to keep a complexion worthy of a photo spread. The past year especially, had taught him the great pains most models would risk for perfection. Irregular hours, countless makeup changes, and environmental exposure certainly did not make it easy. But that did not stop them-or him-from trying.

Most models he knew never outgrew the pressure. Looking at Yoochun now, he suddenly wondered if perhaps the man endured a similar fate.

“Whatever you do, try not to move” Jaejoong said, running the tip of his finger along the other’s crevice. “I mean it.”

Yoochun was already panting; already silent pleas seemed to push through his opened mouth with difficulty.

“This is going to fun.”


Yoochun’s admonishment quickly turned into a moan when Jaejoong bit his left cheek and pushed a finger into him. The penetration was short lived as the eager touch moved lower, taking a hold of Yoochun’s sack with just enough pressure to make his body shake.

“What did I say?” Jaejoong berated. “Stay up.”


Without warning, Jaejoong squeezed hard and kissing over the perfect mounds of barely there muscle, he targeted the furrowed opening with a hot tongue.

Head lowered between his arms, Yoochun fisted the sheets, trying to resist the urge to push his body back. His temples soon trickled with sweat as his arms began to shake; and his mouth, frozen open, let out sounds he had not made in a long time.

Noticing the reaction, Jaejoong pushed his tongue in deeper before reaching between the man’s legs to turn on the cock ring.

“Damn-YOU-Kim Jaejoong!” Yoochun finally screamed.

“We’ve only just started,” Jaejoong hummed as he reached for the glass plug and lube. “Now, how does this work? There are two buttons, hot, cold. Does this really do what I think it does?” he asked. “Where on earth did you find this?”

“You can-find anything in Japan,” Yoochun replied with a grunt.

Jaejoong pushed in the plug cold. His body already heated, the sensation made Yoochun’s entire body shake. Jaejoong watched as the man struggled to keep himself up in vain because the moment he begun to thrust the plug, Yoochun’s arms gave out.

“I like this.”


“You’re so hot. Your skin is already flushed and sweaty,” Jaejoong continued despite the other’s warning.

“Just-wait-until it’s-YOUR turn!”

Jaejoong laughed. He stopped thrusting the plug but made sure it was securely in place before taking Yoochun’s leg and pulled the man on his side. Happy to see Yoochun’s face, he hooked the leg on his shoulder and swooped down to take the cock already leaking with want.

“Yoochun,” Jaejoong called.

Despite his difficulty breathing, Yoochun looked, only for his brain to forget the act altogether as he watched Jaejoong swoop down and take his bound cock into his mouth, shortly before feeling the toy in his ass start to heat up.

“Jae-please,” he barely managed.

Jaejoong smiled with a full mouth, making a silent vow not to give in yet. Instead, he increased his speed and stretched Yoochun’s opening further with his finger. However, his own neglected cock was throbbing, wanting for release.

“Don’t touch yourself,” Jaejoong said when he let go.

Making sure Yoochun’s leg stayed on his shoulder, Jfaejoong kneeled and pulled the plug out slowly. When the angle was perfect, he aimed his cock and pushed in.

Hard length still restrained, Yoochun screamed. The stretch on his leg hurt, though it was not enough to help him forget all the blood trapped in his groin. He screamed again and again, begging for release with every one of Jaejoong’s slow torturing thrusts.

“You-feel-so good,” Jaejoong said as he increased his pace.

Yoochun was speechless. He could not utter a sound that did not come out as a wordless plea, begging for more. His whole body shook. Everything he felt was almost foreign or long forgotten. Passion, he realized, had disappeared from his life too long ago.

Jaejoong stopped only when he came but was still reluctant to grant the same liberty to Yoochun. Seeing the man’s half-lidded gaze glazed over with bliss, he could not help himself from torturing him just a little longer.

Turning Yoochun on his back, Jaejoong straddled his lap and let himself fall on the other’s cock. It was thick and hard, ready to burst any minute as it filled him completely. This time there was no build up in pace. The vibrations from the ring only intensified the feeling, making him hard again. Jaejoong moved fast-up, down and in quick waves-undulating his body for maximum contact.

“Touch me,” Jaejoong said.

Obeying Jaejoong’s command, he traced up hard flexing muscles and smooth tattooed skin without hesitation and having not been told otherwise, Yoochun also met the thrusts easily.

When Jaejoong showed no signs of giving in, Yoochun curved his body upward so that their lips could easily meet. Instantly, Jaejoong’s legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around his neck. Soon enough, Yoochun was kneeling and using the other’s body weight to thrust harder until Jaejoong came again.

Their bodies slick with exertion from slow thrusts, Yoochun pushed Jaejoong on his back before kissing the man with fervor, pleading with kisses for permission to be released.

“You’re amazing,” Jaejoong complimented through breathy sighs. He combed Yoochun’s hair back to look into the man’s lust driven gaze and smiled. “Simply amazing.”

Yoochun only hummed, moving into Jaejoong’s touch when he finally felt the restraint around his cock loosen.

“Come inside me,” Jaejoong whispered into Yoochun’s ear.


“I have to return the key,” Yoochun said as they walked into the lobby.

“Right. Wouldn’t want us sneaking back, would they? Fuck. You owe me. My ass hurts.”

“Keep it down. You’ll corrupt the ignorant,” Yoochun said with a laugh. “Good morning, check out for the presidential suite.”

The woman behind the desk welcomed them with a bright smile when she took the key and promptly checked for details. “How did you find your stay, Mr. Jung?” she asked, typing away.

“Very pleasant, thank you.”

At the mention of the unfamiliar name Jaejoong’s brow quirked. However, Yoochun only gave him a wink and mouthed, “Later.”

“Everything has been charged to your credit card, Mr. Jung. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Not at all. You’ve done enough. Thank you so much.”

“Thank you for staying at the Sun Cruise Resort, we hope you come back soon.”

Once outside, Jaejoong had to ask. “Mr. Jung?”

Yoochun shrugged before showing him the credit card, a black shiny thing with gold lettering. On it read, Jung Yunho.

“My ex” he explained. “The asshole cheated so I decided to treat myself.”

“That’s a felony.”

“It’s compensation. At least until I find another job.”

“He could report you,” Jaejoong warned, trying not to laugh.

“Let him try. I know more about his firm than all his staff of lawyers combined. It’s kind of inevitable when your boss is also your lover and you’re VERY good at your job.”

“You’re a lawyer?”

Yoochun shook his head. “Paralegal,” he corrected. When he saw that Jaejoong still did not understand he continued. “That’s a fancy way of saying, a lawyer’s assistant. I took care of a lot of the research for their cases.”

“Ah. Nice.”

“Reconsidering going away with me now that I’m a lowly salary man?” Yoochun asked as he pulled out a cigarette.

“I’m not making fun,” Jaejoong assured. Finally coming to the truck, he hopped in, not missing the smile Yoochun tried to hide. “Where to?” he asked.

“I was thinking Yeosu.”

“Perfect. We should have road trip rules.”

“Such as?”

“I say, a hand job battle once an hour.”

“And only one of us can come per hour, provided you take the punishment.”

“Bastard!” Jaejoong gasped, already craving the other’s teasing touch. “Challenge accepted.”

“You do realize this is a four hour trip minimum, right?” Yoochun pointed out with confidence. “Can you hold it that long?”

“I’m not the one that’s going to be holding it.”

When the JaeChun beckons...

fic: crystal blue, pairing: jaechun/chunjae

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