The monochromator's back off to Germany - again - and it's starting to get a bit breezy outside. Maybe this time the forecasts are right? Watch this space
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Occasionally you get monochromators that go off hiking in the Lake District. They are a real pain, as they get back covered in mud and soggy, and expect you to clean them up and dry them out.
That piece of equipment - whatever the bastard does - has the nicest and most satisfying ring to its name. Monochromator.. sounds like something from Joe 90 or Star Trek.
"Captain, the monochromator has shed a protoflange into the primary heat exchanger. I've rerouted warp power through the tertiary transmission coils and disengaged the centrifugal perculators, but due to the excess strain on the magnetic interlock converter, we wont be able to exceed more than warp 3.6."
I've talked about this before. It takes the light from a xenon discharge bulb and uses the obvious mechanism of a diffraction grating and a movable slit to produce a beam of light with a frequency spread of roughly 20nm. We use it, when it's working, for widefield fluorescence microscopy. When it isn't working - and it has a nasty habit of blowing its power supply while being turned off - we use it as ballast for a series of experiments in intra-EU couriered transportation.
Comments 14
Bloody instruments!
That piece of equipment - whatever the bastard does - has the nicest and most satisfying ring to its name. Monochromator.. sounds like something from Joe 90 or Star Trek.
"Captain, the monochromator has shed a protoflange into the primary heat exchanger. I've rerouted warp power through the tertiary transmission coils and disengaged the centrifugal perculators, but due to the excess strain on the magnetic interlock converter, we wont be able to exceed more than warp 3.6."
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Hmmm... it makes things a single colour? Is it a paint roller?
I've talked about this before. It takes the light from a xenon discharge bulb and uses the obvious mechanism of a diffraction grating and a movable slit to produce a beam of light with a frequency spread of roughly 20nm. We use it, when it's working, for widefield fluorescence microscopy. When it isn't working - and it has a nasty habit of blowing its power supply while being turned off - we use it as ballast for a series of experiments in intra-EU couriered transportation.
Damn -- I just haven't been listening.
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