Friends Only

Aug 22, 2005 14:21

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Comments 16

charityj August 22 2005, 22:28:09 UTC
*waves* Hi there! :D So, so glad you're finally here!


toolostobesaved December 2 2005, 03:57:47 UTC
i saw your work in ev_icons and love it so much. i was wondering if you do icontests, b/c i thinkyou'd do really well. i run several u might be interested in.
fallen_icontest thts an icontest dedicated to anything but Fallen
ev_indulgence my oldest community. it's your basic ev icontest, except for the fact that oftentimes the memebers pick the challenges instead of the mod's
another icontest deicated to the non_fallen period
amy_hush my newest addition. this is a textless challenge for ev iconmakers.

fallen and origin are most in need of memebrs, even if you cna only vote (we are doing voting right now actually). please consider joining, u have alot of talent.


toolostobesaved December 2 2005, 03:58:19 UTC
*the unknown is - origin_icontest


zorrashan December 2 2005, 04:58:34 UTC
thank you so much! it is so nice to hear (especially cause i'm a bit of a newbie to the whole icon thing). i've never done icontests before, but it sounds interesting/tempting. and thanks for letting me know about your communities, i was trying to wade through the whole load of evanescence communities the other night via an interest search...and didn't quite have the patience to find many good thanks for fixing that problem for me :)
thanks for the ego boost!! and i plan on looking at all of the above. :-)


toolostobesaved December 3 2005, 00:23:21 UTC
glad to be of service, hehe.
i hope to see you there
ojh and the "uknown lj tag" is origin_icontest


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zorrashan December 27 2005, 07:28:34 UTC
I try, and have fun doing so! :) so you were looking around artfully_done? I hope you like what we have there. I followed your link (where you found my name) and saw the rose request. I have a few rose icons that i may or may not have posted (hee hee, can't remember, i'll have to check). Do you have anything specific in mind?


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zorrashan December 27 2005, 23:46:11 UTC
glad you got your rose :)

what am i creative at huh? hmm, well, I have posted a few sets of icons at artfully_done: medical icons, Romeo and Juliet, Evanescence, and a few random sets.
currently i only have one fairy icon(the one i used here) and a few banners, banners here. but i was actually thinking of doing a fairy/angel icon set. any suggestions/ideas?


lisabella May 17 2006, 16:21:18 UTC
Hi there. I'm a friend of Charity's and have seen you around her journal. I know you have a small group of friends so I'd understand if you don't want to add me but I'd love to get to know you better. Let me know. :)


zorrashan May 18 2006, 02:31:24 UTC
i'd love to add you as a friend! i warn you i vent a lot...but not all the time. and i'd like to get to know you better as well :) thanks.


lisabella May 18 2006, 02:39:18 UTC
I feel like I'm venting all the time right now so I feel you on that! I'm adding you right now. :)


mysse June 22 2006, 17:28:41 UTC
*waves* Hi! I was reading an entry of Charity's when I realized that I'd never friended you! I'd like to do so and I'd love it if you friended me back. I'm a little wacky, but CJ seems to like me. :P

*uses icon you made*


zorrashan June 22 2006, 17:51:31 UTC
Friend away...and I'll do the same =)

Wacky is good, or so I like to tell myself. So you have been forewarned as well.


charityj June 28 2006, 23:58:48 UTC
mwah. My influence grows...

lol! *scampers away*


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