Fri, 07:22: RT @ jameslsutter: I went pants shopping and not only did I not find any pants, I also tore a giant hole in my existing pants, thus ending u…
Mon, 10:53: RT @ DrFrancisYoung: On the theme of Atlantis and lost islands and continents, when was the island of Sodor lost to the sea, and did it suff…
Thu, 11:41: RT @ EdMcDonaldTFK: I feel like a lot of recently published fantasy just isn't aimed at me (horses for courses etc.), so if you're looking f…
Sat, 19:17: RT @ MirandaKeeling: Woman 1 in a shop (to a woman who has a new baby in a pram): Hello! How are you? Woman 2: Ok. Thank you. Woman 1: Have…
Sun, 00:09: RT @ MadScientistJo: The Hard SF Worldbuilding Cookbooks Write the story. Choose a location. Have the science for it, as needed. Inspiratio…