Jun 01, 2008 22:01
Before I begin posting the next chapters of Full Circle, I figured this was a good time for a quick chapter by chapter overview of what has gone on before. So here it is.
Full Circle is a long story that takes place following the ending of Season 1 of Jericho. It picks up right after the Season Finale and assumes the Second Season has not taken place yet. This is really a Jake story, with some of Jake and Heather, and has most of the cast, thought not as much as I would have liked to include. It's going to be a long story but it has an intended direction and most of it is written thus far, including most of the ending. It's just the getting there that's taking a little while, but I hope you all will stick with me along this journey as we follow our favorite characters as they deal with the aftermath of the battle with New Bern and their new world order. Feedback is greatly appreciated and will be responded to.
Chapter One: A soldier is unload choppers at the new military outpost outside of Jericho when he detects a stowaway on board. Jake and the rest of Jericho attend the funeral for Johnston Green when a several military Humvees arrive and request his attendance down at the military outpost. He enters the Command Post tent to discover Heather in handcuffs, Heather who he had thought was dead.
Chapters Two and Three: Heather is turned over to Jake by Colonel Hoffman and she and Jake are taken back into town and dropped off down the street near her house. Heather notices Jake's dressed up but doesn't know why. They arrive at her house to find it had been given over to refugees. While she changes into warmer clothes, they talk and Jake tells her about his father dying.
Chapter Four: Jake and Heather walk downtown to find a curious crowd waiting to hear what Jake was doing at the outpost and Jake welcomes Heather back as the town hero. She tells her story of what happened to a group in the meeting hall of City Hall, explaining how she had escaped and had been trying to get to the military to warn them about New Bern attacking Jericho.
Chapter Five: After visiting the wake at the Green house, Jake offers to let Heather stay at the Green House. Emily escorts Heather back home to get some clothes and warns her that she and Jake were working on getting back together.
Chapter Six: Jake attends a meeting with Gray, Eric, the deputies and Lt. Williams, their new liaison from the military, who informs them that they are looking for terrorists in Jericho along with information about the towns resources and that they will begin searching and interviewing people about potential leads to the terrorists as well as about the battle with New Bern. Angry that Gray is giving in to the military too much, Jake heads out of City Hall to go warn Hawkins when Emily stops him and asks him why they were talking about terrorists and whether they were talking about her father Jonah, which Jake doubts.
Chapter Seven: Jake talks to Robert Hawkins about what the military had said. Hawkins fills Jake more in with his suspicions about the military and the new government and that Valente might be involved and that Hawkins is leaving town with his family. Rob suggests they move the package to another location then asks Jake to get involved and help him get to the bottom of what's going on with this new government.
Chapter Eight: Jake walks home to discover his Plymouth Roadrunner parked out front of his house,. Stanley drove it over after Ted Lewis found and drove Jake's car back to Jericho. Ted is in town and down at the salt mine talking to Heather. Jake realizes how much he misses his father. Heather wakes up in the middle of the night to find Jake slipping out of the house and wonders what he's up to driving off in a dark pickup truck. She feels uncomfortable staying at the house with Jake there, wary of her feelings for him.
Chapter Nine: Jake comes home to find Heather fixing his mother's old VCR and they watch a movie. Jake reminds Heather of her upcoming interview to talk about what happened to her in New Bern. Heather has a nightmare that night and Jake comforts her and wonders about his feelings for Heather.
Chapter Ten: Jakes wakes up early and eats breakfast with Heather. They talk about the military searches and he mentions that the military was really looking for those who many have been involved in the bombs. Heather had been working with Ted to find a location where they could start manufacturing wind turbines. Jake suggests the old airplane parts plant.
Chapter Eleven: At City Hall, Eric asks Jake why he is covering for Hawkins. Jake asks Eric about New Bern, wondering why Heather had been having nightmares and if something may have happened to her there. Eric tells him about their capture at the factory and escape. Jake comes up with the idea of a tenant farming system for helping Jericho get through some of the problems they were facing now that it was spring and they didn't have fuel or outside resources to help with the farming and other jobs about town.
Chapter Twelve: Jake and Jimmy go with Lt. Williams to the Hawkins house to search it where they discover the place empty, but something radioactive in the backyard under the shed. Pulling it up, they discover an old gun locker containing spent gun shells and a radioactive silver server set.
Chapter Thirteen: Jake comes back to City Hall in time for Heather's interview. Heather does well until she gets to the part where she is in the examining room at the New Bern factory first aid station and Heather begins to get upset. Jake calls the interview to an end for the day and walks Heather back home. That night, Heather has the same nightmare again, waking up as Jake comforts her. She realizes that they might not be able to nail Constantino unless she says something and tells Jake how Constantino had had a doctor examine her and a slaver trade had touched her inappropriately. He encourages her to tell her story and the next day, she does during the rest of her interview.
Chapter Fourteen: Jake comes back to City Hall after walking Heather home to discover Colonel Hoffman and Lt. Williams waiting for him along with Gray, Eric and the deputies. They take them out to a murder scene where they find the corpse of Sarah Mason. Lt. Williams accuses them of not doing their jobs of following up on murders and not doing enough to search for Hawkins. Colonel Hoffman gets a phone call and tells them that Thomas Valente was the new Director of Homeland Security and heading up this search for the terrorists. They also ask Mayor Anderson for a number of supplies to be sent up to Cheyenne.
Chapter Fifteen: That night, Jake heads to Baileys Tavern to unwind. He talks to Eric about Hawkins and Heather's interview and the charter idea. Jake feels emotional but isn't sure why yet. Stanley arrives to tell Jake that he ask Mimi to marry him and she said yes. While he walks home, Jake thinks about the day and his feelings, recognizing his loneliness and happiness for Stanley. He finds a handerchief on the door and inside it is a note from Hawkins asking to meet the next night.
Chapter Sixteen: Jake meets with Hawkins and they talk about all that has happened and Hawkins asks Jake to get involved with his crusade to get to the bottom of what happened with the bombs, encouraging Jake to becoming involved with the military to get on their good side. Hawkins tells Jake about the ham radio Underground network. Hawkins also advises Jake to get his life in order for the time head, telling him that his loved ones will be his strength in the time ahead. This sets Jake to thinking about a few things.
Chapter Seventeen: Jake recruits Emily in his plan to get in with the military and Jake considers Hawkins advise of getting his life in order and thinks about Heather and taking the next step. Emily sets him up with a meeting with Colonel Hoffman, where Jake pitches his idea of helping the military take out the gangs in exchange for a potential job with the Cheyenne government. Col. Hoffman agrees.
Chapter Eighteen: Heather gets a surprise visit from Jake at the plant they are cleaning up to hopefully be a place where they could build wind turbines. Jake takes her on a picnic for her birthday. They start talking alot. Heather tells Jake about her dream of becoming an astronaut only to have to come home and take care of her sick father, becoming a school teacher instead. She gets him to talk about his five years away. They realized that neither have talked that much before about personal thnigs before. They kiss and Heather is afraid because Emily said Jake and Emily were getting back together, which Jake denies. Heather is afraid that Jake really isn't that interested in her based on their past track record and Jake tells her he was afraid of her, of his bad past. Jake tells her he wants to see if they can have a relationship, and Heather is floored. She encourages him to be better, to keep doing the right things. He warns Heather that he wants to keep their relationship somewhat quiet and that he can't tell her some of the things he's up to.
Chapter Nineteen: Months have passed as spring is turning into summer in Jericho. Jake and Heather have been slowly growing a strong relationship as they both worked on their various projects, Jake working on the charter, helping taking out gangs for the military and occasional trips out of town, and Heather in setting up the plant and at the workshops. She and Jake are working setting up to make lye water to be used in soap as they talk about Heather's reluctance to turn over her wind turbine designs to the military as Jake reflects on how amazing the past months with Heather had been.
Chapter Twenty: Heather, Mimi, Bonnie, Emily and Mary have a bachelorette party at the Green House for Mimi where they give her gifts and gossip. After drinking some, they talk about their first times and Heather realizes she's the only inexperienced one there and Emily mentions her first time with Jake, embarrassing Heather. Jake has a bachelor party with Eric and Stanley just talking as they drink.
Chapter Twenty One: Jake wakes up late on the date of Stanley's wedding, intending to hurry home from meeting with Hawkins. On the ride home, he comes across a young family being held at gun point by two of Jonah's men. Jake comes to their rescue, tying up the men, Bobby O'Neill and Trace Winters.
Chapter Twenty Two: Stanley is anxious when Jake is late showing up for the wedding. Heather worries to herself, but Jake comes racing up on his horse and a beautiful wedding brings Stanley Richmond and Mimi Clark together as man and wife. Jake had told Heather that they needed to not act like a couple especially that day. They steal a private moment together in the house.
Chapter Twenty Three: The wedding reception with dancing and Heather feels hurt and confused by Jake's standoffish behavior. She dances with Lt. Williams then Jake angrily dances with her and they fight, but Jake apologizes and Heather let's him off. When the power goes off, Heather goes to to fix the windmill generator prototype and discovers Jake talking with Lt. Williams on the back porch. She overhears them talking about Hawkins and Emily moving up to Cheyenne.
Chapter Twenty Four: While walking home from the plant, Heather asks Ted about Robert Hawkins and hears other news that Ted and his friends had been hearing from the Underground, news that Jake and Eric had been not telling her and others. Jake meets with Bobby O'Neil and encourages him to help him take Jonah out.
Chapter Twenty Five: Town Hall meeting where the final draft of the Town Charter is reviewed and people ask questions that Gray, Jake and Eric answer. Afterward, Jake argues with Dale and Skylar who disagree with the charter. Jake and Heather talk a late night walk to talk.
Chapter Twenty Six: Jake works with the Special Forces group and the military to attack Jonah's compound. There is an explosion and many of the men are taken into custody but they can't find Jonah.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Jakes goes with the SF group into the basement of Jonah's compound and helps them break into the hidden basement. There is gun fire and grenades thrown and someone escapes through a secret tunnel. They find women locked up in the basement. Another grenade causes the basement to begin to cave in. Outside, they chase Jonah, who is injured, being carried by Trace Winters. Trace is shot and Jake stops Jonah from shooting the soldier trying to save Trace but takes the bullets in the chest, in his armor. Jonah, looking mortally wounded, agrees to blow himself rather than be taken alive. He tells Jake to take care of Emily and to not believe anything this government says. Jake is being carried back to the compound when he hears the grenade go off.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Heather and Gail rush into the med center to find Jake being patched up by Dr. Kenchy. He took three point blank bullets. Two made it through Jake's vest, one stopped by his dog tag, the other by his rib. Kenchy removes the bullet and stitches up his injury. Emily arrives and Jake speaks with her alone, telling her about Jonah and arguing. Emily is not quitting their cause. There's also a number of women from Jonah's compound being treated at the med center. The next day, Heather is working around the house while Jake is resting and Emily comes to visit Jake. Emily comes down the kitchen to talk with Heather, being bitchy and accidentally mentioning that she is working with Jake on the plan with Hawkins, part of which is to go up to Cheyenne. Heather is confused and hurt that Jake hasn't told her any of this. Emily gets the idea to help the women from her father's compound by taking a few of them to live with her in her house. When Heather goes upstairs, she finds Jake asleep and peeks at the manila folder Emily had brought, finding a letter of commendation from the President to Jake along with military reports. Jake wakes up and flirts with Heather. She tries to get him to tell her about what was in the folder besides the letter and he lies to her.
Chapter Twenty Nine: Jake has a vivid nightmare where Goetz and a group of men break into the house and kill his mother and Heather for not telling them where the package is. He wakes up and Heather comforts him. The next morning, he tries to sneak out of the house, as it is voting day on the charter, but Gail stops him. Over breakfast, Eric shows Jake a handkerchief that he and Heather discovered tied to the barn out at the ranch and Jake confesses that its the sign that he has to go on another of his trips. They go to City Hall to vote on charter. Late that night, Eric comes to the house and tells them that the charter passed, though Dale and a few others wouldn't be signing on to the charter. Jake goes with Heather out to visit his father's grave to tell him the news.
Chapter Thirty: Jake, back from another trip with Hawkins, arrives at City Hall to discover that Ravenwood with Goetz in charge would be taking over for the military in Jericho as the military pulls out. He fights with Eric about it but reluctantly has to agree to it. Angry, Jake goes out to talk to Heather about Ravenwood.
Chapter Thirty One: Fourth of July. There is a dedication ceremony for the wind turbine plant with Mayor Anderson, Colonel Hoffman, Lt. Williams and a crowd of others are there, including Jake, his mother, Eric, Mary, Stanley and Mimi, and Emily. Jake reminded Heather of their need to not act like they are having a relationship and she is hurt and confused. The Ravenwood men working security tackle a woman in the crowd calling "Gun!". It was a beautiful woman, Angie, who had been staying with Emily, one of the woman rescued from Jonah's. Jake comes to her rescue and Col. Hoffman sets thing to order. Angie invites Jake to the party that afternoon at Emily's and Jake breaks his promise to spend the day with Heather though he promises to make it out to their picnic at the Richmond's later on. Heather gets angry with him and they fight, which ends up with them kissing instead.
Chapter Thirty Two: Fourth of July parade and pageant in downtown Jercho. Jake watches it, recalling the words of Hawkins reminded him of windows of opportunity. He is inspired by the pageant Heather helped put together and reminded of the country they used to have and what it stood for and how much this new government didn't seem to be keeping to those ideals. He goes into City Hall and discovers Goetz going over records in his hunt for information on Hawkins. Jake shows Goetz all their updated records they caught up on in recent months but holds back letting him see the file on Hawkins since Goetz doesn't have security clearance yet.
Chapter Thirty Three: At the party at Emily's house, Jake is overwhelmed by how normal it seems after the last nine months of hardships in Jericho. There is good food and alcohol provided by the military as the upper class and some of the military mix and mingle. Angie hangs with Jake and is interested in him . Jake mixes with some of the soldiers and overhears things but isn't sure what to make of them. When Angie makes a subtle play for him, Jake goes to talk to Emily and they argue and Emily admits she isn't taken in by all the good things the military has been doing. Later on, Jake talks to Lt. Wiliams and Emily sets Jake up with a cover story for her to accompany Jake on his trips to meet with Hawkins. Angie tells Jake her story of what had happened to her.
Chapter Thirty Four: As Jake is leaving Emily's party, he comes across two Ravenwood men supposed to be keeping watch, but instead using binoculars to watch Angie changing at Emily's party. Jake finally arrives at the Richmonds and notices Heather being quiet, but supportive of him. He realizes how much he loves her, but is reluctantly to actually say the words yet, but start telling her the things he loves about her. Mimi hits them with whip creme and they have a whip creme food fight that ends up with Heather hiccuping as she leans against Jake. Bonnie, Sean, Gail, Eric and Mary head back to town while Stanley, Mimi, Jake and Heather stay behind. Jake realizes how much at home he was being at the Richmond's. There he is just Jake.
full circle,
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