Ooooh, I wanna play, too!

Jun 14, 2007 12:01

Of course, I have an opinion on this as well...
spoiler warning blah blah )

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Comments 2

ongiara June 14 2007, 19:18:58 UTC
*greedily grabs for chocolate and offers cookies in return*

It's always going to be a show about brothers. So quit worrying.
It's reassuring on the one hand because that's exactly what Kripke and the bunch of writers have always been doing. Making it about the brothers. And I do trust them. The only thing that concerns me here is the fact, that Kripke himself seemed to have fought this very development :( Granted, we do not know exactly whether they were told to make those new girls love interests or just to write in two female characters *shrugs* Either way, I'm sure Kripke & Co. will make the best of this and yeah, maybe we'll even like them. All I want is a new Supernatural. September is too far away^^


zora_sourit June 15 2007, 12:23:35 UTC
*snatches cookies* thank you, you're a good sis *gives you hot chocolate to go with the cookies and the .. eeeerm... chocolate*!

that Kripke himself seemed to have fought this very development
You're right, that is kind of worryworthy *worries with you*. And we don't know how much influence Kripke actually has on his own show. on the other hand, we got rid od very annoying Jo.
At least they can't take aways Bobby from us.

September is too far away^^
Word. Waaay too far. Don't let me count the weeks again. Le sigh.
Thankfully I still have a few shows to catch up with.


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