Title: Ice of Oblivion Chapter 13/24
zoomzoomzoomzoo Fandom/Genre: SPN AU Romance, Drama, Action
Pairing (s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: T
Word Count: ~82,000
Warnings: Underage, Mild Sexual Situation, Violence
Summary: AU. In a time of great tragedy in the lands of Mamot, the human race and the angel race are forced to form an unbreakable union that will bind them together for twenty seven lifetimes in order to stop the uprising of the demon race. In bargain they offer Castiel, one of the most powerful angels in the entire world to marry Dean Winchester, the young crown prince of the human world. The typically detached Castiel winds up falling in love with the Prince. The only problem is his brothers don’t expect Dean to live through the war. Will Castiel stay and support the man he loves despite the heartbreak that might accompany his passing or will he fall back in line with his brothers, becoming numb to all human emotions once more?
Chapter 13
“Cas - my man, how’s it been?”
Castiel sighed inwardly. Just his luck!
The three strongest hunters in Inim’s realm were as not only talented but also Dean’s friends, which made them as insufferable as three young adults could be. Castiel knew them all from the time they spent with Dean, their names: Luke, Jo and Trent. They all grew up to become strangely good looking people and they were all the embodiment of good hunters: strong, quick and at least mildly intelligent.
Although he was a little annoyed that he didn’t get older more experienced hunter’s he was happy Dean would have some people who he was comfortable with coming to rescue him because who knows if he is at all comfortable with Castiel anymore.
“Hello Luke.”
Luke pulled him into a one-armed bear hug; shocking and choking Castiel, before letting him go with a gentle thrust outward. “It’s been so long and you haven’t grown an inch.”
Castiel cocked his head to the side and looked at Luke, confused. Did he not know that he was angel? He was about to ask when Luke punched him in the shoulder, hard.
“Dude, you can’t go into Iad dressed like that. If they see you they’ll know you’re a damn angel for sure, it’s bad enough you look like that!”
Castiel glanced down at his clothing; it was as white as a cloud, a normal suit styled robe. It was the normal style of clothing for an angel at a station as high as his. All of his brothers dressed similarly… he would have to change…
“How do I look?”
“Like yourself man, even after all of these years.”
Jo approached him from behind and placed her hands on his back. “We’ve got to get you some new threads.”
Castiel did not fully understand the words they were using but trusted their judgment; after all they were the ones that John was sending with them and if his “threads” made them uncomfortable then he was fine with changing them.
They dragged him into a separate room in the castle and handed him a small stack of clothes. He thought they were pretty interesting. A white shirt with a black suit jacket along with it; the clothes were actually pretty snug and he really liked the trench coat that they gave him so that he could inconspicuous.
Before they left, Castiel went to find his brother, Michael. He knew his brother probably was not happy that he was going into demon territory by himself to save his betrothed but it was very necessary if he wanted to be married soon. He was standing on a balcony outside of Sam Winchester’s room; there was a lot of commotion coming from outside and his brother was peering at it, obviously disturbed.
Castiel stood beside him and shivered at what he saw.
There were people, hundreds of people storming the castle gates. They were screaming and yelling for their leader as their bloodstained hands gripped each other and the metal bars that separated them from their “oppressors”. But, it was the strangest thing. They weren’t calling out for John… they were calling out for Dean.
“It seems they’ve realized their wonderful prince has been kidnapped,” Michael claimed starkly.
Castiel shivered and frowned. His eyes scanned the horizon steadily; there were so many people, soldiers and angels who were peering up at them. They needed a leader; Castiel turned to his brother and frowned. Their leaders were not the angels… instead their leader was Dean. If they planned to win this war, they needed Dean.
Michael knew it too.
“Bring him back brother,” Michael said solemnly. “But, be careful. There’s something - there’s something wrong with this. Lucifer should have made his attack today - it doesn’t make any sense. He’s planning something, something much bigger than this prophecy. Watch your back. He’s out there.
Castiel nodded gravely. “Of course.”