This has been a long week *blinks bleary-eyed at computer screen* Thank goodness it is finally the weekend!
Stuff... in a list 'cause my brain is shot tonight.
1. I called DF (who is working away again) today on the way home for a chat and the conversation went as follows:
DF: I'm teaching a lesson, can I call you back... oh wait, I can't call you tonight, I'm going to the theatre. Tomorrow?
Me: I'm going out for dinner tomorrow... and Sunday is your rehearsal, right? So, Monday?
DF: Oh wait, I'm busy Monday... Tueday?
Me: Italian class... I guess we'll just hope our schedules collide later in the week.
Man, we're like some crazy yuppie couple (only without the income). When did our lives get so busy that we have to schedule our phonecalls? My mum boggled recently when I said we probably only speak on the phone once a week, but he works nights and I work days and ne'er the twain shall meet!
2. I know I've said this about a billion times, but I love
parenthetical SO MUCH. I just spent ages flailing at her like a madwoman, and because she is LOVE she listened and Voice of Reasoned and made me feel much better, instead of smacking my whiny emo self upside the head the way any less fabulous person would have done. I am not a big fan of flailing at people, as a rule, but it means so very much to me to have someone who I can flail at when the need arises. And Cal just rules. Everyone should do nice things for her *nods emphatically*.
3. Meme! Memes are fun! As this is an audience participation thing, I must just say hi to the various new folk who have friended me. Come and introduce yourselves! I am quite nice, honest, and it's nice to know who's around the place :D
Leave a comment and I will:
1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, a word etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favourite user pic of yours
7. In return, you must* post this in your LJ. (unless you've already done so...)
* where 'must' means can, if you want to, and if you get round to it.
PS If this post makes no sense it because I have had no sleep, and some vodka.