My 3 extra userpic packages are expiring in a few days. OH NOOOOES. I'm not going to renew them because of reasons that I shall expound upon soon. But I don't really need 275 icons anyway, I guess. I'll have to go through and delete a ton before the packages expire so I don't have any nasty surprises with the ones LJ arbitrarily chooses to delete
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Comments 18
Prepare for-- too much text.
Love: 10 Things I Hate About You. And I was really worried about that one, considering that they could've very easily gone the, "See, she's changed and now she's not so uptight anymore and so he likes her!" Instead they both compromise a little bit, but neither give up who they are. Kat stays the snarkily kickass person I loved from the beginning of the movie.
Love: SyFy's Alice had a great romance go between Alice and Hatter-- you could really tell by the end of it how much the two of them really cared for each other. **hearts in eyes**
Hate: NICHOLAS SPARKS NICHOLAS SPARKS NICHOLAS SPARKS. GAH. Especially that crappy Notebook movie, where the 'hero' basically threatens to drop from a Ferris wheel and kill himself unless the female lead agrees to go out with him, because hello creeptastic emotional manipulation. That is not romantic, it is terrifying and a horrible thing to put on somebody ( ... )
((SO GOOD: Rick/Evie will always be one of my favourite OTPs everrrrr.))
YESSSSSSSS. And speaking of Rachel Weisz, I can't believe I forgot The Constant Gardener! Normally I like something more like The Mummy or Alice, where the couple spend a good deal of the movie/series kindof circling each other before they get together, but in Constant Gardener they meet and sleep together the same day and then get married very soon after, and it's exactly on the same level of romantic anyway because Fiennes and Weisz just sell it. It's an odd take on a romance because she's killed right at the beginning, and then the rest of the film is him trying to discover exactly who this woman he loved so much was. It's a love story in reverse, almost, and just gorgeously done.
And I'm going to finish my sexy Bello/Pandora fic as soon as I finish a McCoy/Chapel one for Megan, and I was wondering if there's anything else specific you'd like as a sort-of-holiday-ish giftie from me to you?
Nothing is coming to mind, but if I think of something I will let you know. Um. FINISH MIDDLEMAN AND THEN WRITE FUN MIDDLEFIC.
One of my favourite film romances is (surprise!) Secretary. It's a very modern romance to me, and I love that it deals with kinks and quirks in a respectful way. For me, the film is really about self-acceptance being the key to healthy relationships, and finding a partner who is the perfect fit for you.
I really need to just sit down, bite the bullet, and watch Secretary. I mean, I adore Maggie AND James Spader was one of my first legit crushes. I've heard nothing but rave things about the performances. I think I've shied away from it for this long because I just feel too embarrassed watching explicit sex scenes (particularly kinky ones) in movies. (Says the girl who is currently writing Star Trek smut, whuuut.) I D E K, Meaghan.
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