Zombie Fest Amnesty Time!

Jul 08, 2012 15:10

Now that the official fest period is over… it's a ZOMBIE FREE FOR ALL!

What does this mean? It means all those awesome prompts that you loved but didn't think you had time to write? Well now you do!

The Amnesty Round has been borrowed and adapted from our friends over at dark_fest, so most of the same rules will apply here. What are these rules? There are no rules! Actually, no, there are, but simple ones.

1. Anyone can write to any prompt from this past round, as many as you want.
2. You do not need to claim the prompts during amnesty.
3. If you had claimed prompts for the last round, but didn't get to finish, now's your chance!
4. The minimum is still 500 words. No maximum, but posted fics must be complete. Actually, I'm up for negotiations on that. Personally WsIP frustrate me, but I know that sometimes that extra pressure and boost that readers give you can help you to finish writing. So, Rule 4 is up for discussion (not the word min, just the WIP part) - comment here to give us your input. Nope, we're definitely going with ALL fics must be complete before posting to the community!
5. You do not need to send the mods a copy of your finished fic and wait for a date assignment. You can just go ahead and post. But you absolutely must follow the posting guidelines, including headings, ratings, warnings, and tags. When posting, make sure you include the prompt and number in your header.
6. During amnesty all fics must be tagged by fandom, length, rating, and "round: amnesty". Check the tags page for the appropriate fandom tags.
7. Amnesty will run from now until the next round.

Here are the list of prompts again:

Fandoms: A - D
Fandoms: E - H
Fandoms: I - R
Fandoms: S - Z

If you have any questions, check the FAQ page or feel free to ask the mods any time. I hope we have the zombi-est year ever!

round: amnesty, !!mod-post

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