Sometimes life really just is that good.

Aug 05, 2011 06:42

Laulau and fresh coconut for breakfast.


food, home, hawaii, island life, happy happy joy joy

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Comments 7

shichahn August 5 2011, 17:49:33 UTC
... I had cheerios for breakfast. AM JEALOUS.


zolac_no_miko August 5 2011, 18:00:35 UTC
Jealousy is the appropriate reaction~.

How go things in Jonesboro?


shichahn August 5 2011, 23:14:17 UTC
Pretty good! My parents finally made it out here with my car and all my stuff, so we're going to go out to dinner once they've found a motel and gotten a shower. That aside, I have lots of reading to do in preparation for my research, but that's to be expected of course.


zolac_no_miko August 6 2011, 11:43:14 UTC
Oh man, they drove to Arkansas from Portland? ...Say hi to them for me!

Wow, jumping right into things, huh?


evilhippo August 5 2011, 23:02:34 UTC
I had to look up laulau. And you do win breakfast. But the caveat is that all breakfast winners must share. It's a rule somewhere, I'm certain of it. ^_^


zolac_no_miko August 6 2011, 11:45:06 UTC
I'll send you some laulau in the mail. ...I'm sure that will turn out well.


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