Aug 02, 2011 05:57

Had a dream that shichahn was attacked by townies in the middle of campus (we were back in college again); they beat up on her and hit her with their cars. I found her limping around the dorm room, barely able to walk.

Woke up filled with rage.


raaaaaaaaage, fear the wild jungle of my brain, wtf, dream

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Comments 8

magusronin August 3 2011, 05:49:24 UTC
Wow is she okay, you been in touch with her? Hope your dream wasn't some strange morphic-field phenomena.

You've been rather quiet of late, granted LJ's been on the fritz for part of that time. How have you been what's been happening?

ps. You should come join the fun on Google+


zolac_no_miko August 3 2011, 08:40:22 UTC
Last I heard she was fine, but that was... I dunno, three weeks ago? ...I'm not too terribly worried. ^_^;;

I've just been busy, is all. Still recovering from July, the crazy month of weddings and traveling. In theory at some point I'll make a summary post of my goings-on, with pictures. In theory.

Yes, yes... you know me, I've never been a "joiner". Between you and my brother, Google Employee Extraordinaire, I suppose I'll probably have to get around to it one of these days.


magusronin August 4 2011, 06:37:06 UTC
Glad to see she's alright. Just another of your crazy dreams ;D

Yeah, tell me about it. @_@ My month has been insane; good, but very busy. I tried like three times today to reply to your comment, and each time I was thwarted by e-mails that required my immediate attention. And wow they are again, right now, no rest for the wicked.

I just want to get all my actual friends using Google+ so I can ignore Facebook, and I haven't been having the time to post on LJ. Not to mention the technical difficulties LJ's been suffering. :( So you should come hang out on Google+


shichahn August 3 2011, 13:53:22 UTC

Well, rest assured, I have not been attacked by townies.


zolac_no_miko August 3 2011, 16:32:14 UTC

I think this came about because I was talking to my friend Eric on Saturday for the first time in three years, and I talked about townies and how a bunch of them attacked Matt Jumago and one of them tried to run me over in the crosswalk in front of the Student Center. So, not completely out of nowhere, but FUCK YOU VERY MUCH, BRAIN.

...Remember a few years ago when I dreamed we'd had some sort of falling out, and when I woke up... I think I called or emailed you or something, still half asleep, to apologize for being a bitch? XD;


shichahn August 3 2011, 16:34:33 UTC
Haha, yeah, I do remember you telling me about that dream. You always have such special dreams, though. That are thankfully not prophetic.


zolac_no_miko August 3 2011, 16:37:51 UTC
Yeahno, I save that shit for my poetry. I'll just make sure not to write a poem about you kicking the bucket or whatever.


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