I Tend to Wax Poetical on Airplanes (or, a Farewell to Oregon)

May 01, 2011 00:29

Good gods but I love air travel. Give me some wings and a clear day over crumpled topography and I am happy as a clam ( Read more... )

celebrity sighting, oregon lurve, hawaii, living in the land of port, h50, home, doctor who, true story bro

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Comments 25

sirona_gs May 1 2011, 11:29:04 UTC
Dunno about your timing, but my timing is perfect -- I clicked through to this just as Julien came on my fanmix! :D

Anyway, great to hear you're home safe, hon. And I gotta say, I love your purple prose! This in particular: And there was Fort Rock, jutting up from the flat ground like the worn-down crown of the last molar in old Oregon's gum. What a striking image! Made me smile a little to myself. Lovely, darling! I can almost taste the nostalgia. Onwards and upwards, I guess!

Frankfurt airport is thoroughly ridiculous, but Milan is way worse, trust me on this. At least I've navigated Frankfurt a few times now, and I know where I'm going. Mostly. >.>

WHOA, WOW, BEST TRUE STORY! Just imagine, now you'll be happily pottering about downtown and Alex O'Lough will just happen to walk past you or something. My face is starting to turn interesting shades of green.

That Doctor Who ep, amirite? WHAT A MINDFUCK WRAPPED IN A MYSTERY! Well done that Moff.

Sleep well, darling! <3


zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:11:19 UTC
Heh, yeah, this happens to me a lot when I'm on an airplane with a window. The Earth just looks so goddamn gorgeous from the air, and the beauty fills me up and spills over in the form of words, and I just sit there with my face pressed to the window, composing lines in my head ( ... )


sirona_gs May 1 2011, 22:34:03 UTC
Oh god, me too. I am useless around famous people. I get either all akjkhalkjgahfdajg'g or all uptight or just friendly 'hello hello!' I've actually met Philip Pullman (because, yeah, writers are totally the celebs I go apeshit around), and Jasper Fforde (don't worry if you don't know who he is; he writes the Thursday Next novels, very British--well. Welsh, really) and I was all friendly and sort of calm, AND THEN I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT WHEN THEY WERE OUT OF SIGHT. But if I met O'Laugh? SEE THAT PUDDLE OF HURRRRRR GOO ON THE FLOOR OVER THERE? YEAH. THAT WOULD BE ME. Not so much with the cool when it's someone I fancy the pants off of.



zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:45:12 UTC
I expect I will do what I usually do, which is clam up and stare awkwardly out of shyness/anxiety about not bothering them, instead of a more useful response like saying hi or asking for a picture. *sigh* I will do my best to fight my lamer impulses.


shichahn May 1 2011, 15:26:28 UTC
... LAX would be so much more navigable with a portal gun, omg.

Anyway, aww, you are home and we will miss you! You'd better keep your LJ updated or be on skype more often or something, because I definitely want to hear about what you get up to this summer. You know, when I have the time myself to get online.

I miss you already! ;_;


zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:20:01 UTC
I will definitely be keeping my LJ updated, and, uh, we'll see about Skype. ^_^;; I'll be on occasionally at any rate, and I can definitely be on Skype by appointment.

Good luck with your summer stuff and have fuuuuuuunnn!! It sucks that you'll be away from the internet so much of the time... although it's possible I'll be in the same position come June and July. I don't yet know what my living arrangements will be like... if I can swing a spot in the volunteer housing I won't have to drive for 45 minutes twice a day just to get to and from work, but the downside would be lack of internet during the weekdays.

I miss you toooooooooo!! i_i It's gonna suck not being able to hang out with you and have adventures all the time. We will just have to hurry up and become productive members of society so we have the money to visit each other/go traveling together a lot. Until then, SEE YOU ON THE INTERNETS, BB.


evilhippo May 1 2011, 15:41:51 UTC
This is why I was super-sad that it was all cloudy when I came in to Oregon. But purple prose will do. (-:

Also: awesome true story. (Diddy has been busy lately. I wonder if his fake-attorney that was calling my office is aware of this makeout session.)


zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:25:08 UTC
Yeeeeahhh, next time summer, maybe. Higher chance of good weather. And/or a longer vacation! Cover all your bases.

Next time Hawaii. Same advice regarding weather.

Hahahahahahaha I'd forgotten about fake!Diddy lawyer! ...Man, everything about P. Diddy is hilarious~.


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zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:28:48 UTC
Yeeeeaaahhh, I realize I am somewhat unusual in actually enjoying airplane travel. Although I admit my already aching body would have appreciated more comfortable sleeping arrangements. ...It's all about the people-watching and the view out the window.

=^_^= I'm glad my posts make you happy. And thanks!


jamafanta May 1 2011, 17:03:21 UTC
Oh, so very jealous! I went to Hawaii for the first time this year, and it is my new standard for heaven on earth. No competitors.

I'm visiting a friend in LA next week; quite looking forward to the flight! I always fly in my sleep, and the dreams get much better after RL encouragement :).


zolac_no_miko May 1 2011, 22:31:08 UTC
Oh hey, really? Which island? What kind of stuff did you do?

Hawaii is home, and I've traveled a fair bit all over the place, and there's just no place I'd rather be. I love these islands so hard.

Enjoy your flight and your visit!


jamafanta May 1 2011, 23:18:30 UTC
We went to Oahu, and stayed at the Turtle Bay Resort. My dad was there for a chemistry conference and the rest of us were invited on his dime, so I didn't have quite the same freedom if it'd been my own vacation - too bad! I didn't see much of Honolulu, and didn't get to do a number of things I'd wanted to (like climb Diamond Head).

I will be back!


zolac_no_miko May 2 2011, 00:15:50 UTC
Oh yeah, definitely next time you'll have to give yourself time to properly explore.

And you should check out the neighbor islands. BIG ISLAND IS THE BEST. We have active volcanoes! :DD


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