I... I... what?

Jan 29, 2011 05:59


Rubber. Movie description on IMDB: "When Robert, an inanimate tire, discovers his destructive telepathic powers, he soon sets his sights on a desert town; in particular, a mysterious woman becomes his obsession."

Watch the trailer....What. Just. WHAT ( Read more... )

raptors: beaks not teeth, falconry, movie, wtf, rubber, birdies

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Comments 14

evilhippo January 29 2011, 14:32:19 UTC
I, um... well, that's definitely not what I would expect from a movie called "Rubber." But hey, the trailer references Beckett so it must be good-weird, right? (-;

Where do you even come across these things?


zolac_no_miko January 29 2011, 14:43:44 UTC
Front page of IMDB. I was looking to see if there had been an episode of Young Justice yesterday. (There was.)

Ohmigod, this movie comes out in the US on April 1st. Of course it does. ...So going to see it.


realpestilence January 29 2011, 14:37:31 UTC
I had a friend who used to pick out movies with descriptions like that for us to watch. Sometimes, they'd turn out to be surprisingly good. And sometimes, they'd be exactly what they sounded like. Kind of a lottery. o.0


zolac_no_miko January 29 2011, 14:48:42 UTC
Well, IMDB users give it 6.8 stars out of 10. The reviews go like this: three people think it's brilliant and freaking LOVE it, two people think it SUCKS. ...I'm guessing this is going to be one of those movies that is so quirky and weird that 90% of what matters is personal preference.


b_c_draygon January 29 2011, 16:00:49 UTC
I watched the trailer. It looks ... surreal. And actually, kind of interesting. (My biggest WTF moment was actually the fact that the cops/general populace were going with it and looking for a killer tyre, not locking people up for being crazy. XD)

Also, is he technically inainimate? He must be conscious, in some way, to actually do things, and he moves himself around the place. And they give him a name. Hmm ... I suppose it depends on your definitions.

Enjoy watching the birdies! :D


zolac_no_miko January 29 2011, 16:09:35 UTC
Yeah, that bothered me, too. I would argue that Robert is an animate tire.

Thank you, we shall! :D There's a birdie in the car with me right now, he's so FLUFFY AND CUTE, ASDFJKLGHFDS! <3 <3 <3


ava_jamison January 29 2011, 16:37:57 UTC
Wait, what's that about birds? And heh. Yeah, that tire thing is too weird! Reminds me of a short I saw about murderous Christmas trees.


zolac_no_miko January 29 2011, 20:24:03 UTC
My friend shichahn is a falconer with an American kestrel named Napoleon (check out tinylongwing if you'd like to see gorgeous pictures of him). I like to live vicariously through her falconry. As I type this from my phone we are at the Oregon Falconry Association's winter meet, and we are driving off to find some mice for Napoleon to hunt.


ava_jamison January 30 2011, 15:24:54 UTC
Cool! Just read the entry you made about it and it sounds like you had a great time!


look_alive January 29 2011, 22:25:42 UTC
How. How the fuck does that movie look as good as it does? How does that even work? HOW IS THAT ALLOWED TO WORK?

Oh my god what is this.


zolac_no_miko January 30 2011, 18:35:32 UTC


look_alive January 31 2011, 01:31:18 UTC


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