Appropriate WWII Batman icon is appropriate

Jan 17, 2011 22:13

Okay, so, some of you may remember when I acquired a copy of the 1949 Batman and Robin movie serial at Office Depot for $10? And it was awful and awesome and hilarious? ...I should probably mention for posterity that they did manage to hoodwink me in a major plot point, so... the writers were not as dumb as I thought they were? I dunno that it ( Read more... )

dick grayson, batfamily, batman, robin, lulz, movie, fangirling

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Comments 23

shichahn January 18 2011, 07:45:40 UTC
I still really need to see these movies, omg.


zolac_no_miko January 18 2011, 12:46:13 UTC
Yes! We should have a Batman party. ^_^


realpestilence January 18 2011, 11:30:01 UTC
I'm pretty sure Alfred frowns on firing ray guns in the house. If Bruce isn't careful, he's going to end up being sent to bed without dinner!

So your crashing-through-skylights fixation has broadened to crashing through glass in general? lol

I used to watch the old Batman and Robin tv show, way back when I was a kid. Campy fun.


zolac_no_miko January 18 2011, 12:51:48 UTC
I think Bruce firing ray guns at vases in the house for the purpose of terrifying Alfred definitely gets him sent to bed without dinner! He seemed to be aware of the consequences, though, and totally okay with them.

Haha, skylights are the best, but windows are almost as good. ...Any time Batman and Robin cause excessive property damage, really. Stalker.

Ohmigooooood, I'm slightly terrified to try that one. I've only seen clips. I really should watch some at some point, for the lulz. ...Fun fact! Adam West and I share the distinction of being Whitman College alumni! Yes, that's right. BATMAN WENT TO MY SCHOOL.


realpestilence January 18 2011, 12:57:04 UTC
Now I have Batman and Robin busting up a bar to the tune of "Ballroom Blitz", running through my head. :D

The show was, as I said, campy fun. It was aware of being that at the time, and poked fun at itself; and if you watch it for that kind of sensibility, and appreciate silliness and slapstick, you'll enjoy it, I'm sure.


zolac_no_miko January 18 2011, 13:00:58 UTC
Teeheehee, omg, YESSS!!

I've... seen clips of Batman dancing. THEY'RE TERRIFYING. ...I prefer my Batman dark and brooding and scary over camp (I can't stand the movies Batman and Robin and Batman Forever, for instance), but I think if I put myself in the mood for it, for the entertainment and historic value, I could enjoy it.

...But then I'm pretty sure I'd have to drink some bleach. XD;


ava_jamison January 18 2011, 14:20:26 UTC
It is just so, so awesome that only three years after Batman was created, he already was starring in movie serials, along with Robin and Alfred. AWESOME.

Oh, and I've seen a tiny bit of that serial. Dick IS great!


zolac_no_miko January 18 2011, 14:25:15 UTC
Right?! It's awesome how he was already so popular and iconic, even back then! <3 Bob Kane. Oh Bob, if you could see your baby now-!

asdfjkl;lkjghfds A WEE DICKIE I WANT ONE!


boko January 18 2011, 22:47:03 UTC
Is this the one with the cover entitled "Chapter 1: the Electrical Brain"?

If so I am most tempted to purchase it, should I encounter it.


zolac_no_miko January 18 2011, 23:08:10 UTC
The copy I have just says "Batman" on the cover, but "Chapter 1: The Electric Brain" is the name of the first chapter/episode in the serial.


b_c_draygon January 19 2011, 04:27:46 UTC
Oh, wow. WOW. This sounds awesome and (please don't hurt me but) I'm not even that into Batman. XD I may have to somehow get hold of and watch this thing.

Yay for: undercover Batman&Robin, pranking Alfred, WWII-appropriate propaganda and racism (always fun), crotch-dives (?????),pranking Alfred, "Just some of my bats" said airily, pranking Alfred, & window-crashing. :D

Speaking of pranking Alfred (kinda), I get the feeling you might appreciate some of the comics by The-BlackCat at DeviantArt. He/She/It does Batman comics (with multiple Robins that probably makes sense if you actually know the Batman canon, like I don't) and I think they're kind of adorable. It's probably best to start with Back to the Cave, but you should definitely also check out Mr. Bat-Mom -- it's the one I started with, and it made me laugh. :)

If my HTML breaks, feel free to internet-punch me or something.


zolac_no_miko January 19 2011, 06:13:10 UTC
Aaawwww, it's okay, I understand that not everyone on the planet is as obsessed with Batman as I am. ^_^ I think anyone would find this particular film lolarious, though.

Ahaha, the crotch dives... yeah, there are a lot of panels in the old comics where Robin does a flying tackle, and it seems like 90% of the time his head ends up in someone's crotch or ass. OH THE SIXTIES.

Ahahahaha yes I am already a big fan of those comics, and I recommend them to everyone myself. I started with Mr. Bat-Mom too, that one's awesome.


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