I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 4/?]

Nov 09, 2010 20:47

Title: I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 4/?]
Continuity: Comics!verse AU, based on post-Crisis continuity.
Rating: Very M.
This chapter-
Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon; Dick/Barbara, sort of, if you squint at it out of the corner of your eye.
Word Count: 1140
Summary: Dick bitches about Bruce; Babs listens.
Warnings: Nothing much ( Read more... )

batfamily, batman, i'll be yours, fanfic, dick grayson, writey, barbara gordon, robin, batfic

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zolac_no_miko November 10 2010, 06:26:00 UTC
Haha, could Timmy possibly be watching this conversation through binoculars from an adjacent building? NO, WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?

...I've already started on the next chapter. ^_^ And next chapter will of course be a Timmy chapter, and oh dear gods will it be creepy. I'm already feeling uncomfortable about writing it.... :O


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zolac_no_miko November 10 2010, 06:31:52 UTC
...Yeah, I knew what you meant. I'm just saying... he already knows. XD;

And yeah, he will be... upset. Could be worse, though. I'll just say this... Bruce should consider himself extremely lucky that Timmy actually likes and respects him. ^_^;;


magusronin November 10 2010, 07:23:07 UTC
Yay more Love Story! At least one of us has been productive; vampire diaries ate my soul last week, and work and Photoshop has been eating my soul this week. Though it's funny, I had this sixth sense you might be posting today.

"They are so unlike each other in almost every way. Why did they have to pick 'stubborn as a mule' as the one thing to have in common?" So true! T_T Of course being stubborn as a mule is practically the essence of being Batman. ;)

I also really enjoyed the Barbara, Dick, Kory triangle. Nice tension between Barbara and Dick, subtle but present.


zolac_no_miko November 10 2010, 13:02:45 UTC
Fffff, actually I've done so little writing this past week, what with my mother in town (she gave me rides to-and-from work most days, so I didn't have my public transit writey time). I wasn't expecting to post. I didn't think I had enough material... I planned to combine it with the next chunk of Timmy POV, but I typed it up to see how much material I had and decided it was good enough. ...So, it's short, but I really have nothing else to say from the Batfamily's POV at this juncture. ^_ ( ... )


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zolac_no_miko November 11 2010, 01:22:56 UTC
Nah, that's my AU showing. There was no break-up of that sort in the canon. At least, not to my knowledge. ^_^;; I'm not terribly familiar with the original relationship myself, fffff. The only Teen Titans I've read are the bits that cross over with the Batman storylines, such as in A Lonely Place of Dying, and a couple of the really recent stories. ...What this is really about is that I'm trying to focus on just Gotham and the Batfamily in this story; I decided that it would be ugly and sloppy and too freaking complicated for me to try to drag Kory and the Titans into it. Luckily for me, this means I don't have to read all those comics right away for research. But I feel kind of bad shortchanging Kory like that. SORRY KORY, YOU'RE COMPLICATED AND INCONVENIENT, NO MORE DICK GRAYSON FOR YOU. It's terribly sad. ^_^;;

As for the pacing... ummm.... not really any huge jumps, but jumps of days or weeks or months will occur. I'm thinking the story in its entirety takes place within the timeframe of a year or less ( ... )


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zolac_no_miko November 11 2010, 02:33:40 UTC
Haha, yeah, my only real exposure to Dick/Starfire is the Teen Titans animated series, which I adore, but it's, you know, different. I don't know comics!Kory well, but what little exposure I've had... some things are the same, and some things are very different, yeah. Me, I ship Dick/Barbara like burning, and have since Batman: The Animated Series started me off on this crazy Batman thing back in middle school.

I'm keeping this story pretty tight; I'm not planning on any cameos from Supes or the Justice League or anything. Mentions, maybe, but no... it's pretty much just Bats, in this story anyway. My other ongoing story will have a more expansive cast of characters. But yes, Tim and Dick's paths will cross, eventually. Um... it'll be a few chapters. There's some stuff that has to happen first.


realpestilence January 11 2011, 11:19:37 UTC
It's true that Barbara would pick Batman over Dick, so she could continue as Batgirl. Dick's very right about Robin being ~his to decide what to do with, not Batman's! ~scowls

I think it's interesting that Babs originally started out a good 8 years or so older than Dick, and in every re-telling, the comics make her younger, so they can be paired up easier. I like the older woman/younger man dynamic better, myself.

I like Kory very much, and she was an integral part of Dick's growth at that time in his life. She helped him open up emotionally, and become very comfortable with his sexuality/sensuality. Together or not, they're still close. I like him staying with her while he decides on his course of action.

I wonder if Tim's going to beg Dick to go back to being Robin? Because his fixation is more about Dick himself, being happy-not necessarily Dick as Robin. He's going to be very pissed with Batman over this...!


zolac_no_miko January 11 2011, 15:31:47 UTC
Well, that is how it happened in the canon. Most of the time in this universe my goal is to mirror the canon, put my own twist on things that actually happen in the comics. Nightwing: Year One, for instance, has a lot of influence on this story. A lot of things are changed for the purposes of the plot, of course, and to keep things new and interesting.

In this story, in my head, Babs is a few years older than him, because yeah, I like that dynamic, and I like to try and stick to the canon. I'm a bit fuzzy about exactly how old either of them are supposed to be in this story, though. I'm thinking Dick's gotta be a freshman in college or something.

I like Kory, too, although I haven't been exposed to her in the actual comics very much (I haven't read much of Teen Titans). I feel really bad... I'm essentially writing her out of the story, here. For the purposes of my story, I need to keep things kind of contained and not go wandering off into Teen Titans and Justice League territory... this is supposed to be a Bat story. Thus ( ... )


realpestilence January 11 2011, 15:40:40 UTC
Oh, I don't mind Kory not appearing, myself. He spoke well of her, she's not getting bashed for convenience's sake, and that's realistic, imo. She doesn't have to be there in person, just has to not be trashed, for me to feel good about it.

Even the comic writers tend to bash her or downplay her importance to him, to play up the Dick/Babs interaction; and that's not fair. I don't see them bashing Bruce's old flames, to play up Selina's importance to him. It's like they can't conceive of loving more than one person, in different but equally strong ways-or, at least, not for ~him. o.0

I'm primarily a slashfan, so any het is beside the point of the plot to me, lol. I'll read it, if it's good, like anything else; but I don't read the story ~for it. I'm more interested in what might happen when crazy!Timmy gets his hands on his Dick. ;D

Mostly, I'm just grateful for a good, newly-found comic-based fic.


zolac_no_miko January 11 2011, 19:54:43 UTC
Well, good, I'm glad I was able to treat her well in your eyes. I did my best to do right by her. ^_^

I agree, that's totally stupid. I can't see Dick and Kory getting back together again, and to be frank, I'm a Dick/Babs shipper and I'm really hoping they can get their relationship working, but... it's not like Dick and Kory don't still love each other! They always will, even if the romantic portion of their relationship has ended. They are such good friends... and seriously, a well-balanced person should be capable to love more than one person, and if anyone could it would be Dick! He has always been so open and loving and freely giving of his love and affection.

In my reading habits I definitely enjoy my slash, oh yes~... but I love good writing more than anything, so as long as a story has that I enjoy pretty much any pairing or no pairing at all with equal enthusiasm. In my writing, at least recently... the plot is the point, that and character development. Any relationship stuff tends to happen where it wants or needs ( ... )


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