Important Scientific Contributions

Nov 25, 2016 21:38

Title: Important Scientific Contributions
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson
Rating: G/K
Word Count: 399
Summary: “What,” Bruce said. And, “How.” (a.k.a. Bruce you left the Batkids unsupervised for like five minutes, what did you think was going to happen?)
Warnings: None
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batfamily, batman, writey, robinses, dc, batfic, fanfic

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Comments 2

clintashas December 4 2016, 06:31:16 UTC
this was so good, really enjoyed it. it's been ages since I've read a good batfam fic!


zolac_no_miko December 5 2016, 07:35:23 UTC
<333333333 I loves me some good Batfam. Honored and pleased you think this qualifies! Thanks for the comment. :)


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