Closing time, every new beginning is some other beginning's end...

Feb 03, 2015 20:48

I don't post a lot of real journal-y type posts anymore, but this evening was just a really nice one. It was a blazer of a hot day, and once Forrest was done with work and fiddling with his truck and fiddling with his friend's truck, he came to get me and we raced the setting sun to King's Landing. It beat us, but we found a good spot to sit on ( Read more... )

my best guy forrest, island life, hometown hilo, happy happy joy joy

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Comments 5

hardboiledbaby February 4 2015, 08:06:29 UTC
Niiiiice :)


zolac_no_miko February 4 2015, 19:43:00 UTC
It was a very nice evening. :)


burned_phoenix February 4 2015, 08:25:48 UTC
LOL of course it's always prettier over there! That's a given *g*

Sounds like a REALLY great time, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :) *hugs*


zolac_no_miko February 4 2015, 19:47:37 UTC
Ha ha, it's kind of my hobby to tweet pictures that make all my friends jealous. It's not even really true, there are so many stunningly beautiful places all over the world, but... it really is incredibly pretty here, and I try to be mindful of it and grateful for it. It's not hard. It would be difficult not to notice.

It was a nice little bit of mundane pleasantness. :)


burned_phoenix February 5 2015, 08:49:08 UTC
Yes, there are a lot of stunning places, but it's -5C again here today and that makes your place even more pretty right now :D I'm ready for winter to be over even though we didn't really have REAL cold so far.


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